Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: Re: Error creating a new Organisation using the Webservice


3: Re: Error creating a new Organisation using the Webservice
In response to 1 11/15/05 12:12 PM
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Hello Ernie,

I did setup external integration system configuration into the database table ext_server_org_map as you mentioned in the Integration Documentation.

I added the following values in the database table

Insert into ext_server_org_map(serverid,serverkey,servername,serverdesc,p
refix,userinfo_url,timeout_url,disabled,orgid) values(1,'Cl1nt0n5','CLE','Connetix Learning Environment','CLE','http://localhost:8080/LAMS/','http://localhost:8080/LAMS/',0,1020);

And than i am trying to execute the following method call

Dim hashValue As String
hashValue = "Cl1nt0n5"
newId = objBusinessObject.createOrganisationForDemoServer(1, Now.ToString, hashValue, Me.txtOrganisation.Text, Me.txtDiscription.Text, False)
objBusinessObject = Nothing

But it still falls over with the following error.

java.rmi.RemoteException: Authentication failed!; nested exception is: Authentication failed!

Can you tell me whats wrong with it? and what is the hashValue parameter in the method? and how to generate that hashValue? Is that, what is generating the error?


Posted by Apurva Desai

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