Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: LAMS 2.3.4 is out!

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1: LAMS 2.3.4 is out!
03/04/10 10:34 PM
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Hi everyone,

Finally, LAMS 2.3.4 is out!

There's quite a few bug fixes and improvements in several tools and core but I guess the most significant improvement is Theme Management.

Theme Management allows a sysadmin to install and manage the Themes or skins that change the look and feel of LAMS using CSS files. Once a theme is added, then the administrator can set the default theme for the system and also individual users can choose which theme they want for themselves.

We have added a high contract theme in the upgrade for people with visual impediments.

Also you can create your own Theme to better suit the colors of your school, university, etc. If you want to do this, follow the High Contrast CSS example. Hopefully in the near future we'll add a whole bunch more themes to choose from.

As always we have updated all the languages files to the latest. Many thanks to all our translators for their hard work on this.

We continue working in LAMS 2.4 which will be a big leap forward with serious improvements in usability (new author and monitor interfaces) and scalability (new application server). As we keep progressing on it, we'll keep posting updates to the community.

The upgrade is available at the Downloads page in the wiki.

Many thanks and enjoy the release!

Release Notes - LAMS 2.3.4

Bug fixes

  • [LDEV-2471] - Add lesson wizard doesn't display UTF8 properly
  • [LDEV-2472] - Can't remove a lot of users from an organisation at the same time
  • [LDEV-2473] - Non-integer character in answer for checkbox type daco stops everyone from viewing daco
  • [LDEV-2474] - Questions and answers can get mixed up in daco
  • [LDEV-2475] - temp dir uses java default instead of specified temp dir
  • [LDEV-2482] - UTF8 Character problem
  • [LDEV-2483] - UTF8 Character problem when creating subfolders
  • [LDEV-2486] - If user hasnt started lesson, can get null pointer in LearnerService.getProgressDTOByLessonId
  • [LDEV-2490] - First two tools share content when authoring in IE on Windows
  • [LDEV-2494] - Delete file option does not work.
  • [LDEV-2502] - JDBC batch update error when copying forum content with conditions
  • [LDEV-2506] - Survey doesn't show student responses in Monitor interface
  • [LDEV-2510] - No tool session is created for activities added to a support activity in Live-Edit
  • [LDEV-2521] - Switch between author and planner
  • [LDEV-2526] - Issues deleting questions in Q&A


  • [LDEV-2419] - Improvements for readability and accessibility
  • [LDEV-2420] - Stylesheets and HTML themes
  • [LDEV-2491] - Individual feedback for question displays only in green color
  • [LDEV-2492] - When only one vote is allowed the nomination message is in plural
  • [LDEV-2498] - Increase the width for Q&A iframe
  • [LDEV-2500] - Increase the size of the fckeditor editing
  • [LDEV-2516] - Show wrong and right answers separately
  • [LDEV-2518] - Penalty factor to be 0 by default

New Features

  • [LDEV-2478] - Option to allow the student to have a rich text editor to answer

General Tasks


Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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