Module: LAMS Authoring for Vietnamese Viet Nam

Module Information

Module Name: LAMS Authoring
Description: LAMS Authoring: Flash Interface
Output: flash
Type: core
Added By: Ernie Ghiglione
Optional: No
Created on: 03/29/06 09:43 PM
% translated: 56.77% (197 out of 347)

Translated Labels

English Vietnamese Translation Dev task Last updated By Action
Create a stop point Tạo điểm dừng 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Create branches Tạo nhánh (chỉ có thể ở LAMS phiên bản 2.1) 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Create flow controls activities Tạo luồng điều khiển các hoạt động 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Create a Grouping activity Tạo hoạt động nhóm 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Preview your Sequence as learners will see it Xem trước bài học như học viên sẽ được xem 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Sorry! You are required to select the activity before you click copy Xin lỗi! Bạn phải chọn hoạt động trước khi sao chép 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Open/Edit Activity Content Mở/Sửa nội dung hoạt động 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Copy Activity Sao chép hoạt động 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Paste Activity Dán hoạt động 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Property Inspector... Tính năng kiểm tra... 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Exit Thoát 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Sorry! You are required to select the activity before you click on the Open/Edit Activity Content menu item in activity right click menu. Xin lỗi! Bạn phải chọn hoạt động trước khi Mở/Sửa danh mục nội dung hoạt động khi bấm chuo 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
You cannot Export an unsaved design. Bạn không thể xuất ra một thiết kế chưa được lưu 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Export Xuất ra 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
This folder already contains a file named {0}. Thư mục này đã chứa tên tệp tin {0}. 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
No file found. Không tìm thấy 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Branch Nhánh 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Flow Luồng 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Import Nhập vào 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Cannot use this folder. Không thể sử dụng thư mục này 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Parallel Activity Hoạt động đồng thời 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
A following system error has occurred: Lỗi hệ thống này đã được tìm thấy 11/16/06 05:34 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Copy ({0}) of Bản sao ({0}) 11/16/06 05:34 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
You cannot save a design in this folder. Please select a valid sub-folder. Bạn không thể lưu thiết kế trong thư mục này. Hãy chọn một thư mục con có hiệu lực 11/16/06 05:34 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
A Transition from {0} already exist Sự chuyển tiếp từ {0} đã tồn tại 11/16/06 05:34 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Please enter the design name, and then click Save button. Hãy nhập tên thiết kế,và sau đó bấm nút lưu 11/16/06 05:34 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Cannot find help page for {0} Không thể tìm thấy trang trợ giúp cho {0} 11/16/06 05:34 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Description Mô tả 11/16/06 05:34 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
None Không 11/16/06 05:34 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
You are unable to edit tools of a read-only design. Please save a copy of the design and try again. Bạn không thể sửa các công cụ của thiết kế chỉ đươc đọc.Hãy lưu bản sao của thiết kế và thử lại sau 11/16/06 05:34 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Read Only Chỉ đọc 11/16/06 05:34 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Sorry! You are not allowed to save a design with no file name. Xin lỗi! Bạn không thể lưu thiết kế mà không đặt tên 11/16/06 05:34 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Untitled - 1 Không tiêu đề - 1 11/16/06 05:34 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Sorry, You cannot save an empty design Xin lỗi, Bạn không thể lưu một thiết kế rỗng 11/16/06 05:34 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: An error has occurred while trying to auto-save your design. Please increase your Flash Player storage settings. Một lỗi đã được phát hiện khi tự động lưu thiết kế của bạn.Nếu lỗi này vẫn còn xin hãy liên hệ với quản trị hệ thống 11/16/06 05:34 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
My Workspace Không gian làm việc của tôi 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: My Courses Nhóm của tôi 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
View Xem 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Please unlock the Optional Activity container before assigning this activity as optional. Hãy mở khóa chứa đựng hoạt động tùy chọn trước khi gán cho hoạt động các tùy chọn 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Show File Dialogue to open an Activity Sequence Hiển thị tệp 11/16/06 06:03 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
You are about to recover the last lost or unsaved design. Your current design will be cleared. Continue? Bạn sắp khôi phục lại mất mát gần đây hoặc thiết kế chưa lưu. 11/16/06 06:03 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Warning Cảnh báo 11/16/06 06:03 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Recover... Khôi phục lại ... 11/16/06 06:03 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Days Ngày 11/16/06 06:03 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
The theme data has not been loaded Dữ liệu đề tài vẫn chưa được tải 11/16/06 06:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Theme Đề tài 11/16/06 06:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Remove to and from transitions from {0} before setting it as an optional activity. Đổi chỗ và rời sự chuyển tiếp từ {0} trước khi thiết lập nó thành hoạt động tùy chọn 11/16/06 06:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
You are not allowed to have a circular sequence Bạn không được phép có vòng lặp 11/16/06 06:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Drop an activity on this bin to remove it from the activity sequence. Thả vào thùng rác một hoạt động để gỡ bỏ nó khỏi vòng hoạt động 11/16/06 06:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
You cannot add a gate activity as an optional activity. Bạn không thể thêm cổng hoạt động như là một hoạt động tùy chọn 11/16/06 06:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Max {0} Số hoạt động tối đa 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Min {0} Số hoạt động tối thiểu 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Minutes Phút 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
None Để trống 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Number of learners Số học viên 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Optional Activity Hoạt động tùy chọn 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Offline Activity Chạy ngoại tuyến 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Open gate Mở cổng 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Properties Đặc tính 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Copy of Bản sao 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Cancel Hủy bỏ 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Language Ngôn Ngữ 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
OK Đồng ý 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Confirm Xác nhận 11/16/06 01:59 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
OK Đồng ý 11/16/06 01:59 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
The language data has not been loaded Dữ liệu ngôn ngữ không được nạp vào 11/16/06 02:01 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
The application cannot continue. Please contact support Ứng dụng không thể tiếp tục. Hãy liên hệ hỗ trợ 11/16/06 02:04 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Choose in Monitor Chọn lựa 11/16/06 02:06 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Copy Sao chép 11/16/06 02:06 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Your design is not yet valid, but it has been saved, click 'Potential Issues' to see what's wrong. Thiết kế của bạn chưa hiệu lực, nhưng đã được lưu lại, bấm'Các vấn đề' để xem sai sót 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
You cannot create a transition to this object Bạn không thể thiết lập chuyển tiếp với đối tượng này 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Issues Các vấn đề 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Congratulations! - Your design is valid and has been saved Chúc mừng! - Thiết kế của bạn đã có hiệu lực và đã được lưu 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Thanks for Sending data to server Cám ơn đã gửi dữ liệu tới server 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Delete Xóa 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Gate Cổng 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Group Nhóm 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Grouping Gom nhóm 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Activity Hoạt động 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Done Hoàn thành 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Issue Vấn đề 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Validation issues Các vấn đề về hiệu lực 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
No license currently selected - Please select one Sự lựa chọn không được phép - Hãy lựa chọn khác 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Edit Hiệu chỉnh 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Copy Sao chép 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Cut Cắt 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Paste Dán 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Redo Làm lại 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Undo Hủy thao tác vừa làm 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
File Tệp tin 08/23/07 02:37 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Close Đóng 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
New Mới 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Open Mở 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Save Lưu 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Save as... Lưu như... 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Help Trợ giúp 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
About LAMS Liên quan về LAMS 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Tools Công cụ 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Draw Optional Tùy chọn vẽ 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Preferences Tính năng 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Draw Transition Sự chuyển tiếp vẽ 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
New Mới 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to clear your design on the screen? Bạn có chắc muốn xóa các thiết kế của mình trên màn hình 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
None Không lựa chọn 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Open Mở 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Optional Tùy Chọn 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Paste Dán 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Permission Chấp nhận 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Gate Activity Hoạt động của Cổng 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Grouping Activity Gom nhóm hoạt động 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Define in Monitor Định nghĩa sau 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Close gate Đóng Cổng 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Grouping type Loại nhóm 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Hours Giờ 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Current Grouping Nhóm hiện thời 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Description Mô tả 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Grouping Gom nhóm 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Title Tiêu Đề 11/16/06 02:38 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Activities Toolkit Bộ công cụ hoạt động 11/16/06 01:53 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Alert Cảnh báo 11/16/06 01:57 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Cancel Hủy bỏ 11/16/06 01:58 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
You may need to re-start LAMS Author to continue. Do you want to save the following information about this error to help fix this problem? Bạn cần phải khởi động lại tính năng Soạn bài của LAMS để tiếp tục. Bạn có muốn lưu các thông tin về lỗi này để giúp sửa lỗi ? 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
System Error Lỗi hệ thống 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Send Gửi 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Optional Activity Hoạt động tùy chọn 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
License Bản quyền 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Additional License Information Thông tin bản quyền thêm vào 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Sorry you cannot move this activity. Xin lỗi, ban không thể thay đổi hoạt động này 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Authoring Help Giúp soạn giả 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Author Activity Help Giúp soạn bài 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to delete this file / folder? Bạn có chắc là muốn xóa tệp tin/ thư mục này không? 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Please click on a Design to open. Hãy bấm vào một thiết kế để mở ra. 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Second activity of the Transition is missing. Hoạt động thứ hai của sự chuyển tiếp đang thất lạc 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Number of groups Số lượng nhóm 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Sorry! You are not allowed to copy this child activity. Xin lỗi.! Bạn không được phép sao chép kết quả hoạt động này 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Sorry! You are not allowed to cut this child activity. Xin lỗi.! Bạn không được cắt bỏ kết quả hoạt động này 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
A Transition to {0} already exist Sự chuyển tiếp đến {0} đã tồn tại 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
The design on the canvas has changed. Continue without saving? Thiết kế trên nền đã thay đổi.Bạn có muốn tiếp tục mà không cần lưu? 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Clears current sequence and resets workspace ready for use Xóa bỏ kết quả hiện tại và lập lại không gian làm việc sẵn sàng cho sử dụng 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Quick save current Activity Sequence Lưu nhanh kết quả hoạt động hiện tại 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Copy the selected activity Sao chép hoạt động được chọn 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Paste a copy of the selected activity Dán bản sao của hoạt động được lựa chọn 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Use this pen to draw transitions between activities (or press CTRL key) Sử dụng bút để thể hiện liên kết giữa các hoạt động (hoặc bấm phím CTRL) 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Create a set of optional activities. Khởi tạo một bộ các hoạt động tùy chọn 11/16/06 04:16 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Preferences Tùy thích 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Preview Xem trước 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Properties Đặc tính 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Random Ngẫu nhiên 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Rename Đổi tên 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Save Lưu 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Schedule Lịch trình hoạt động của cổng 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Synchronise Đồng bộ hóa 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Activities Toolkit Bộ công cụ hoạt động 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Transition Sự chuyển tiếp 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Cancel Hủy bỏ 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Synchronisation Sự đồng bộ hóa 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Type Loại 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
OK Chấp nhận 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Transition Sự chuyển tiếp 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Root Thư mục gốc 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Warning: you are about to overwrite this sequence! Cảnh báo : bạn đang ghi đè lên chuỗi này ! 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Please click on either a Folder to save in, or a Design to overwrite Hãy bấm vào một thư mục để lưu lại, hoặc ghi đè lên thiết kế khác 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
The source and destination folders are the same Thư mục nguồn và thư mục đích là một 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Cancel Hủy bỏ 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
File Name Tên File 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Location Khu vực 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
OK Đồng ý 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Open Mở 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Properties Đặc tính 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Save Lưu 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Workspace Không gian làm việc 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Cancel Hủy bỏ 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Please enter a the new folder name Hãy đặt tên một thư mục mới 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
OK Đồng ý 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Sorry, you do not have permission to write to this resource Xin lỗi, bạn không được phép ghi lên tài nguyên này 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Please enter the new name Hãy nhập tên mới 11/16/06 03:29 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Close and back to {0} Đóng và quay trở lại {0} 12/20/06 01:33 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: © 2002-2009 {0} Foundation. © 2002-2008 {0} Foundation. 01/03/08 12:58 AM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Changes have been successfully applied. Những thay đổi đã được áp dụng thành công. 11/29/07 03:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Apply Changes Áp dụng những thay đổi 11/29/07 03:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Apply Changes Áp dụng những thay đổi 11/29/07 03:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Cancel Huỷ bỏ 11/29/07 03:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
removed Xoá bỏ 11/29/07 03:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
modified Sửa đổi 11/29/07 03:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Finish Hoàn thành 11/29/07 03:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Version Phiên bản 11/29/07 03:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
LAMS LAMS 11/29/07 03:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator! 11/29/07 03:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
http://{0} http://{0} 11/29/07 03:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Branching Phân nhánh hoạt động 11/29/07 03:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
default mặc định 11/29/07 03:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
No Groups selected. Không có nhóm nào được chọn 11/29/07 03:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Group Naming Đặt tên cho nhóm 11/29/07 03:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
Continue Tiếp tục 11/29/07 03:36 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
{0} - Activities Hoạt Động - {0} 11/29/07 03:44 AM Thành Bùi Become a Translator!
{0} ({1}) {0} ({1}) 01/17/08 10:02 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!
{0} {1} {0} {1} 01/17/08 10:02 PM Ernie Ghiglione Become a Translator!

Labels missing translation

English Description Action
Please unlock the Optional Sequences container before assigning this activity to an optional sequence. Alert Message if user drags the activity to locked optional sequences container. Become a Translator!
This condition is Phrase used at start of linked conditions alert message when clearing a single entry. Become a Translator!
A Transition must have an activity before or after the transition A Transition must have an activity before or after the transition Become a Translator!
An activity must have an input or output transition An activity must have an input or output transition Become a Translator!
This activity has no input transition This activity has no input transition Become a Translator!
No activities are missing their input transition. No activities are missing their input transition. Become a Translator!
This activity has no output transition This activity has no output transition Become a Translator!
No activities are missing their output transition. No activities are missing their output transition. Become a Translator!
Cannot apply changes. There are one or more transitions missing. Cannot apply changes. There are one or more transitions missing. Become a Translator!
Apply changes to design and return to monitor lesson. tool tip message for save button in toolbar Become a Translator!
Activity cannot be {0}. The Activity is read-only. Alert message when a user performs an illegal action on a read-only transition. Become a Translator!
Live Edit Label for canvas lip (where design title is displayed) when in Edit-On-The-Fly mode. Become a Translator!
Design must be valid in order to finish editing. Alert dialog message when attempting to finish Edit on the Fly when the design is invalid. Become a Translator!
Warning: Your design has been modified. Do you wish to close without saving? Alert dialog message when attempting to finish Edit-on-the-Fly when the design is unsaved. Become a Translator!
Transition cannot be {0}. The Transition target is read-only. Alert message when a user performs an illegal action on a read-only canvas element (transition or activity). Become a Translator!
Return to monitor lesson. tool tip message for cancel button in toolbar (edit mode) Become a Translator!
About - {0} Title for the About Pop-up window. Become a Translator!
{0} is a trademark of {0} Foundation ( {1} ). Label displaying the trademark statement in the About dialog. Become a Translator!
<p>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. <br><br>{0}</p> Label displaying the license statement in the About dialog. Become a Translator!
Sequence Activity ({0}) Activity type for Sequence (Branch) in Property Inspector. Become a Translator!
Click on a name to change its value. Instructions for Group Naming dialog. Become a Translator!
Input (Tool) Label for Tool Activity selection (combo box) for Tool-based Branching on the Property Inspector. Become a Translator!
No Branch selected. Alert message when adding a Mapping without a Branch (Sequence) being selected. Become a Translator!
Create Conditions Label for button to open dialog to create output conditions. Become a Translator!
Select Output Conditions for Input Dialog title for creating new tool output conditions. Become a Translator!
Done Label for dialog completion button. Become a Translator!
Conditions Label for primary list heading on Condition to Branch Matching dialog. Become a Translator!
Match Conditions to Branches Dialog title for matching conditions to branches for Tool based Branching. Become a Translator!
+ Add Label for button to add a condition. Become a Translator!
Clear All Label for button to clear all conditions. Become a Translator!
- Remove Label for button to remove condition. Become a Translator!
From Label for start value in condition range for long or numeric output values. Become a Translator!
To Label for end value in condition range for long or numeric output values. Become a Translator!
Range Heading label for section in the dialog to set numeric condition range. Become a Translator!
Branch Column heading for showing sequence name of the mapping. Become a Translator!
Condition Column heading for showing condition description of the mapping. Become a Translator!
Group Column heading for showing group name of the mapping. Become a Translator!
Instructor's Choice Branching type label for Teacher choice Branching. Become a Translator!
No Mapping selected. Alert message when removing a Mapping without a Mapping being selected. Become a Translator!
No Condition selected. Alert message when adding a Mapping without a Condition being selected. Become a Translator!
All remaining Conditions will be mapped to the default Branch. Alert message for notifying the user that the unmapped Conditions will be mapped to the default Branch. Become a Translator!
Mappings Heading label for Mapping datagrid. Become a Translator!
Range {0} to {1} Value for Condition field in mapping datagrid. Become a Translator!
Exact value of {0} Value for Condition field in mapping datagrid when range set is only single value. Become a Translator!
Setup Mappings Label for button to open tool output to branch(s) dialog. Become a Translator!
Define in Monitor Checkbox label for option to define group to branch mappings in Monitor. Become a Translator!
Map Groups to Branches Map Groups to Branches Become a Translator!
Group-based Branching type label for Group-based Branching. Become a Translator!
Branches Label for Branches list box on Branch Matching Dialogs. Become a Translator!
Groups Label for Groups list box on Group/Branch Matching Dialog. Become a Translator!
Branching Activity Activity type for Branching in Property Inspector. Become a Translator!
Branching type Property Inspector Branching type drop down. Become a Translator!
Name Groups Label for button that opens Group Naming dialog. Become a Translator!
Sequence Default title for Sequence Activity. Become a Translator!
Learner's Output Branching type label for Tool output Branching. Become a Translator!
start value Value representing the min boundary value of the conditions range. Become a Translator!
end value Value representing the max boundary value of the conditions value. Become a Translator!
The {0} cannot be within the range of an existing condition. Alert message when a submitted condition interferes with another previously submitted condition. Become a Translator!
The {0} cannot be greater than the {1}. Alert message when the start value is greater than end value of the submitted condition. Become a Translator!
WARNING: The lesson is about to be removed. Do you want it keep this lesson as {0}? Message for the alert dialog which appears following confirmation dialog for removing a lesson. Become a Translator!
{0} linked to an existing branch. Do you wish to continue? Alert message when performing an action which clears the current list of conditions when one or more is connected to a Branch Mapping. Become a Translator!
There are conditions Phrase used at start of linked conditions alert message when clearing all. Become a Translator!
Untitled {0} The default condition name for new items added to conditions list when setting up conditions for Tool based branching. Become a Translator!
The design contains unused branch mappings that will be removed. Do you wish to continue? Alert confirmation message displayed when the user is saving the design and redundant or unused branch mappings exist in the design. Become a Translator!
To remove please deselect this activity as the {0}. Instruction how to delete an Activity linked to a Branching Activity. Become a Translator!
This {0} is linked to a {1}. Alert message when removing a Tool or Grouping Activity that is linked to a Branching Activity on the canvas. Become a Translator!
This {0} has a child linked to a {1}. Alert message when removing a Complex Activity whose child is linked to a Branching Activity on the canvas. Become a Translator!
Greater than or eq {0} Value for Condition field in mapping datagrid when Greater than option is selected. Become a Translator!
Activity Toolbar button for Optional Activity. Become a Translator!
Sequence Toolbar button for Sequences within Optional Activity. Become a Translator!
Create a set of optional sequences. Tooltip for Sequences within Optionaly Activity button. Become a Translator!
Removing sequences Removing sequences Become a Translator!
The sequence(s) to be removed may contain activities that will be deleted. Do you wish to remove these sequences? Confirmation message when user is removing optional sequences (Optional Sequences) that contain activities. Become a Translator!
No of Sequences Label on the Property Inspector for a numeric stepper where the value is the no of sequences in an Optional Activity. Become a Translator!
{0} - Sequences Label to describe the amount of sequences in the container. Become a Translator!
Please drop the activity onto one of the sequences. Alert message when user drops an activity onto the Optional Sequences container but not on a contained Sequence Activity. Become a Translator!
Remove any connected branches from {0} before adding it to an optional sequence. Alert message when user try to drop an activity with connected branches into optional sequences container. Become a Translator!
Remove to and from transitions from {0} before setting it to an optional sequence. Alert message when user try to drop an activity with to or from transition into optional sequences container. Become a Translator!
Optional Sequences Title for Optional Sequences Container. Become a Translator!
Less than or equals Less than option for long type conditions. Become a Translator!
Less than or eq {0} Value for Condition field in mapping datagrid when Less than option is selected. Become a Translator!
Activities Min and max label postfix when an Optional Activity is selected. Become a Translator!
Sequences Min and max label postfix when an Optional Sequences activity is selected. Become a Translator!
range Type description for a long-value based ouput definition. Become a Translator!
true/false Type description for a lboolean-value based ouput definition. Become a Translator!
[ Choose Output ] Header label value (first index) for tool output definition drop-down. Become a Translator!
Name Column header for the Condition Item(s) datagrid column. Become a Translator!
Condition Column header for the Condition Item(s) datagrid column. Become a Translator!
[ Options ] Header label value (first index) for tool long (range) options drop-down. Become a Translator!
Minimize Tooltip message for close button on Branching canvas. Become a Translator!
Greater than or equal to Greater than or equal to Become a Translator!
Less than or equal to Less than or equal to Become a Translator!
Group Name Column label for editable datagrid in Group Naming dialog. Become a Translator!
Insert/Merge... Menu item label for Inserting a Learning Design. Become a Translator!
Insert Button label on Workspace in INSERT mode. Become a Translator!
{0} (default) Item value displayed in the Branches list (Tool Conditions mapping dialog) for the default branch. Become a Translator!
Match Groups to Branches Button in author that allows you to allocate groups to branches for group based branching Become a Translator!
Refresh Button label for Refresh button on the Tool Output Conditions dialog. Become a Translator!
Match Conditions to Branches Button in author that allows you to match conditions to branches for tool-output based branching Become a Translator!
You are about to update your conditions for the selected output definition. This will clear all links to existing branches. Do you wish to continue? Confirm message for alert dialog when refreshing the default conditions for a selected definition in the Tool Output Conditions dialog. Become a Translator!
Cannot update as no user defined conditions were found. You may need to set them up in the tool's authoring page(s). Alert message when the updating the conditions with a selected output definition that has no default conditions. Become a Translator!
user defined Type description for a user-defined (boolean set) based ouput definition. Become a Translator!
Sorry you cannot paste this type of activity Alert message when user is attempting to paste a unsupported activity type. Become a Translator!
Cannot save the design as the grouping activity '{0}' has more than one group with the same name. Please review the grouping and try again. Alert message displayed when the Grouping validation fails during saving a design. Become a Translator!
To Preview your sequence, you need to save it first, then click Preview Tool tip message for preview button in toolbar when button is disabled. Become a Translator!
The default branch can be chosen by clicking the "default" checkbox in the Properties area for the desired branch. Label for a message in the Condition to Branch matching dialog. Become a Translator!
Once you insert another sequence, you cannot Cancel this action – your old sequence is automatically saved with the new sequence inserted. To go back to your old sequence, you will need to delete all new sequence activities by hand, and then save. To leave your current sequence unchanged, click Cancel. Otherwise click OK to select a sequence to insert. Warning message when merge/insert Become a Translator!
--Selection-- Default item label for Input Tool dropdown list. Become a Translator!
Can't create a transition between activities in different branches. Error message displayed after drawing a transition between activities of two different branches. Become a Translator!
There are no sequences enabled on this container. Error message when a Template Activity icon is dropped onto a empty Optional Sequences container. Become a Translator!
Remove any connected branches from {0} before setting it as an optional activity. Alert message when a Template Activity icon is dropped onto a empty Optional Sequences container. Become a Translator!
A branch to {0} already exists. Error message displayed after drawing a branch to an activity that has an existing connected branch. Become a Translator!
A branch from {0} already exists. Error message displayed after drawing a branch from an activity that has an existing connected branch. Become a Translator!
Cannot connect a new transition to a closed sequence. Error message displayed after drawing a transition from an activity in a closed sequence. Become a Translator!
To move an activity to a different sequence within Optional sequences, first drag the activity out of the Optional Sequence area, and then click and drag it to its new location inside Optional Sequences. Warning message to be displayed in Author when the user tries to move a child activity of an Optional Sequence to a different sequence within that same Optional Sequence without first dragging it outside of the Optional Sequence activity Become a Translator!
Group names cannot be blank. Warning message to be displayed in Author for the Group Naming dialog when the user tries to assign an empty group name to a group Become a Translator!
Group names must be unique. Warning message to be displayed in Author for the Group Naming dialog when the user tries to assign an already existing group name to a different group Become a Translator!
Learner's choice A type of grouping where the learner picks which group they'd like to be in Become a Translator!
Equal group sizes Checkbox label for Learner's choice grouping. Allows teachers to choose whether or not the group sizes should be equal Become a Translator!
Competence Editor Dialog for adding/editing/removing competences Become a Translator!
A competence with the title {0} already exists Warning message when you try to add a competence with a competence title that already exists Become a Translator!
The competence title cannot be blank Warning message when you try to define a competence with a blank competence title Become a Translator!
The competence you are attempting to delete is currently mapped to one or more activities. Deleting this competence will remove its mappings. Are you sure you want to proceed? Warning message when you attempt to delete a competence that is mapped to one or more activities. Become a Translator!
Map to competencies Label for button that invokes the Competence Mappings dialog Become a Translator!
Competencies Label in Competence Editor dialog to show all the competences in the learning design Become a Translator!
Add Add competence button Become a Translator!
Competence Definition Dialog Title for Dialog that allows you to define new or edit existing competences Become a Translator!
Competence Mappings Title for the dialog that allows you to map competences to an activity Become a Translator!
Competencies Label in the Competence Mappings dialog to show all the competences mapped to an activity who's name is given by the argument Become a Translator!
Map Gate Conditions Button to allow the user to map conditions to a gate state (open/closed) Become a Translator!
All remaining conditions will be mapped to the selected gates closed state. Warning that appears when the user clicks close on the Map Gate Conditions Dialog and they have not mapped all conditions to a gate state Become a Translator!
open Open state for gate activity, allows learners to pass through it Become a Translator!
closed Closed state for gate activity, does not allow learners to pass through it Become a Translator!
Please make sure you have an activity selected before trying to view its competence mappings. Warning that appears when no activity is selected when the user tries to view competence mappings Become a Translator!
Last modified: {0} Show the last modified datetime of the selected design in the workspace Become a Translator!
Title cannot contain special characters: {0} Error alert when trying to save with a title containing illegal characters. Become a Translator!
Import from LAMS Community... File menu item for importing a learning design from the LAMS community Become a Translator!
Gradebook Output Label in the Property Inspector relating to which tool output type (if any) will be sent to gradebook for evaluation for the selected tool activity Become a Translator!
View learners before selection? Label in the Property Inspector for option to allow students to see who's in each group before they pick which group that want to be in for learner chosen grouping. Become a Translator!
Arrange Activities Menu item button to neatly arrange the activities on the Canvas Become a Translator!
Support Label for Support Activity button Become a Translator!
Create a set of optional support activities. Tool tip message for Support Activity button in toolbar Become a Translator!
Support Activity Title for Support Activity container. Become a Translator!
Support activities cannot be connected to any other activity Message that appears when the user tries to connect a support activity to another activity Become a Translator!
Activities of type {0} cannot be added as a support activity Message that appears when the user tries to add an invalid activity type to the support activity container Become a Translator!
Cannot drop activity: {0} here. The support activity permits a maximum of {1} child activities. Message that appears when the user tries to add an activity to the support activity container when the maximum number of allowed children has been reached. Become a Translator!
Cannot drop a support activity inside another activity. Message that appears when the user tries to add a support activity inside another complex activity Become a Translator!
Warning: This will clear all existing group to branch mappings linked to this grouping activity, would you like to continue? Confirmation message that appears when the user changes the grouping method to number of learners in the property inspector when group to branch mappings exist Become a Translator!
Author: {0} ws_dlg_author_owner_lbl Become a Translator!
Original author: {0} ws_dlg_original_author_lbl Become a Translator!