Module: Monitor (Java) for Portuguese Brazil

Module Information

Module Name: Monitor (Java)
Description: Monitor interface HTML pages (JAVA backend)
Output: java
Type: core
Added By: Ernie Ghiglione
Optional: No
Created on: 06/24/06 07:33 AM
% translated: 56.51% (269 out of 476)

Translated Labels

English Portuguese Translation Dev task Last updated By Action
*** UPDATED: Choose a course grouping to use in this lesson or create a new one. You are working with copies, so any changes made here have no influence on the original course groupings. Grouping with zero groups are not listed here. Once a grouping is chosen, the only way to come back to the grouping list is to manually remove all groups. Coloque os participantes da lição em seus grupos. No início você pode adicionar e remover usuários, mas uma vez que o agrupamento for usado (ou seja, um pariticipante iniciou uma atividade que usa um agrupamento) você não poderá mais remover usuários do grupo. Se você tentar remover alguém do grupo e eles não removerem a checagem do progresso - se eles iniciarem o uso do grupo enquanto você está nesta tela você não terá nenhum erro, mas você não poderá removê-los de seus grupos. Você ainda poderá adicionar usuário aos grupos. 11/20/06 03:34 PM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Finished Terminado 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Archived Arquivado 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Removed Removido 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Disable Incapacitar 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Activate Ativar 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Remove Remover 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Archive Arquivo 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
No date was selected. Please select a date and time. Nenhuma data foi marcada. Por favor seleccione uma data e hora. 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Class Classe 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
This is the current activity Esta é a actividade actual 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Double click to open this support activity Dê um duplo clique para abrir esta atividade de apoio 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Double click to review this completed activity Dê um duplo clique para avaliar este atividade concluída 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: The learner has attempted but not yet finished this activity O usuário tentou, mas ainda não terminou essa atividade 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: The learner has to complete the activities before this activity to access it O usuário precisa completar as atividades antes desta atividade para acessá-lo 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Notify learners that: Notifique-alunos que: LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:24 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Lesson notifications: {0} Notificações Lição: {0} LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Course notifications: {0} Notificações do curso: {0} LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
User name [login] Nome de Usuário [Entrar] LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Lesson name Nome Lição LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Send Enviar LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Are assigned to this lesson São atribuídos a esta lição LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Haven't finished this lesson Não ter terminado esta lição LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Have finished this lesson Terminou esta lição LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Haven't started this lesson Ainda não começou esta lição LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Have started this lesson Já começou esta lição LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Haven't reached particular activity Não atingiram determinado atividade LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Have X days to deadline Tenha X dias a data limite LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Have finished a particular lesson Terminou uma lição particular LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Scheduled date Data prevista LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Haven't started a particular lesson Ainda não começou uma aula particular LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Haven't started any lessons Ainda não realizou nenhuma aula LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Have finished these lessons Terminou essas lições LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Choose activity Escolha a atividade LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Choose number of days to deadline Escolha o número de dias para a data limite LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
LAMS notification Notificação LAMS LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Choose lesson Escolha lição LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Choose lessons Escolha lições LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
LAMS notification Notificação LAMS LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Emails have been successfully sent to selected learners. Os e-mails foram enviados com sucesso para os alunos selecionados. LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Enable lesson notifications Ativar notificações de aula LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
By this date: Por esta data: LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Emails have been successfully scheduled to be sent on specified date. Os e-mails foram agendadas com sucesso para ser enviado em data especificada. LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
List of scheduled emails Lista de e-mails programados LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Email body Corpo-mail LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Notify learners that Notifique-alunos que LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Back to notifications Voltar para notificações LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Now Agora LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Schedule Horário LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Schedule Horário LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Choose a date when you want the message to be delivered. Note that the message will be sent to the learners that fulfil the criteria at the scheduled date. Escolha uma data em que você deseja que a mensagem seja entregue. Observe que a mensagem será enviada para os usuários que preenchem os critérios na data programada. LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Haven't finished these lessons Não ter terminado essas lições LDEV-2819 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Conditions Condições LDEV-2782 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Dependencies Dependências LDEV-2782 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Select a lesson that learners will need to complete before they can see the lesson you are about to create. Selecione uma lição que os alunos terão de completar antes que eles possam ver a lição que você está prestes a criar. LDEV-2782 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
[put message here] [Colocar mensagem aqui] LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Set the number of days the lesson will be available to learners. After this period the lesson will not longer be shown. If the time should count from the moment the learner starts the lesson, select the option for individual time limit. Defina o número de dias de aula estarão que disponíveis para os alunos. Após este período, a lição não será mais mostrada. Se o tempo deve contar a partir do momento em que o aluno começa a lição, selecione a opção para limite de tempo individual. 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Hello, Olá, LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Lesson: {0} ({1}) Lição: {0} ({1}) LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Hello, Olá, LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:29 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
[put message here] [Colocar mensagem aqui] LDEV-2802 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Enable lesson intro Ativar aula de introdução LDEV-2829 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Display design image Imagem Projeto de exibição LDEV-2829 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Notifications Notificações LDEV-3061 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Email Email LDEV-3061 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Name: Nome: 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Description: Descrição: 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Status: Estado: 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Learners Alunos 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Class: Classe: 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Manage Lesson Gerenciar Lição 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
View/Email Learners Alunos Ver / E-mail 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Shows all learners assigned to this lesson and allows to email them Mostrar todos os alunos designados para esta lição e permitir enviá-las 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Edit class Editar Classe 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Edit the list of learners and monitors assigned to this lesson Edite a lista de alunos e monitores designados para esta lição 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Open IM Abrir IM 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Change status: Alterar estado: 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
{0} learners {0} alunos 02/09/14 07:49 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Select status Selecione o estado 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Apply Aplicar 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Start in Monitor Comece no Monitor 02/09/14 07:49 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Please select a future date and time for scheduling. Selecione uma data e hora futuras para agendamento. 02/09/14 07:49 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
There must be at least 1 monitor member and learner selected. Deve haver pelo menos um membro monitor e aluno selecionados. 02/09/14 07:49 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
{0} monitors {0} monitores 02/09/14 07:49 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
{0} instances of {1} have been started. {0} ocorrências de {1} iniciadas. 02/09/14 07:49 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
{0} instances of this lesson will be created and approximately {1} learners will be allocated to each lesson. {0} instância(s) desta(s) lição(ões) será(ão) criada(s) e aproximadamente {1} aprendiz(es) será(ão) alocado(s) para cada lição. 02/09/14 07:49 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: No. learners per lesson: Número de alunos por aula: 02/09/14 07:55 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Some problems occurred while sending emails. Please, contact your system administrator. Alguns problemas ocorreram durante o envio de e-mails. Por favor, contate o administrador do sistema. LDEV-2802 04/16/14 06:38 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
You are about to remove student(s) from a lesson. The student(s) will not have access to this lesson any longer. Do you also want to remove the student(s) progress? Você está prestes a remover aluno (s) a partir de uma lição. O aluno (s) não terá acesso a esta lição por mais tempo. Você também deseja remover o progresso do aluno (s)? LDEV-3160 04/16/14 06:38 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
You are moving learner "[0]" to activity "[1]". You can opt to delete the content of activities that have been previously done, so the learner has to enter the content/answers again. você está se movendo aprendiz "[0]" a atividade "[1]". Você pode optar por excluir o conteúdo das actividades que têm sido feito anteriormente, de modo que o aluno tenha para introduzir o conteúdo / respostas novamente LDEV-3171 04/16/14 06:38 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Delete content Apague o conteúdo LDEV-3171 04/16/14 06:38 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Keep content Mantenha o conteúdo LDEV-3171 04/16/14 06:38 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
This gate is based on each learner's previous activity completion time Esta porta é baseado no tempo de conclusão de cada atividade anterior do aluno LDEV-3207 04/16/14 06:38 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Split learners into separate copies of this lesson? Dividir os alunos em cópias separadas de esta lição? 02/09/14 07:55 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Enable Live Edit Ativar Editar ao vivo 02/09/14 07:55 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Allow Learners to see who is online Permite que os alunos vejam quem está on-line 02/09/14 07:55 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Last modified: {0} Última modificação: {0} 02/09/14 07:55 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Monitors {0} Monitores {0} 02/09/14 07:55 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Add Lesson to {0} Adicionar lição para {0} 02/09/14 07:55 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Lesson Lição 02/09/14 07:55 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Class Classe 02/09/14 07:55 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Advanced Avançado 02/09/14 07:55 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Select the sequence to add a lesson, and click on Add now Selecione a seqüência para adicionar uma lição e clique em Adicionar agora 02/09/14 07:55 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Advanced options Opções Avançadas 02/09/14 07:55 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Enable Instant Messaging Ativar Mensagem instantânea 02/09/14 07:55 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Lesson URL: Learner URL: LDEV-3108 02/11/14 01:07 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Select Selecionar LDEV-3108 02/11/14 01:07 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Close Perto 02/11/14 01:08 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Select/Unselect all Selecionar / Desmarcar todos LDEV-3074 02/11/14 01:07 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
You have dropped the learner "[0]" on either its current or on its completed activity "[1]". Você deixou cair o aluno "[0]" em ambos sua atual ou por sua atividade concluída "[1]". 02/11/14 01:08 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Help Ajudar 02/11/14 01:08 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
To move a learner to the end of lesson, drag the learner icon over to this bar. Para mover um aluno para o final da aula, arraste o ícone do aluno sobre a este bar. 02/11/14 01:08 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
learners in total. alunos no total. 02/11/14 01:08 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Double-click for full list Clique duas vezes para ver a lista completa. 02/11/14 01:08 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Finished Learners: [0] of [1] Alunos com acabamento: [0] de [1] 02/11/14 01:08 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
End of lesson Fim da lição 02/11/14 01:08 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Sort Tipo 02/11/14 01:08 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Move learner to... Mova aluno ... 02/11/14 01:08 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
View learner Ver aprendiz 02/11/14 01:08 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Open help page Abra a página de ajuda 02/11/14 01:08 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Refresh Atualizar 02/11/14 01:08 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Reload the latest progress data Atualizar os dados mais recentes progressos 02/11/14 01:08 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Scheduled Programado 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Started Começado 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Presence alunos on-line LDEV-3063 02/11/14 01:08 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Double click on an activity for more details Dê um duplo clique em uma atividade para mais detalhes LDEV-3109 02/11/14 01:08 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Scheduling Agendamento 02/11/14 01:24 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Enable Permitir 02/11/14 01:24 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
No learners loaded, please go to the Learners tab. Não há alunos carregados, por favor, vá até a aba alunos. 02/11/14 01:24 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Details Detalhes 02/11/14 01:24 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
unselected não selecionado 02/11/14 01:24 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
selected selecionado 02/11/14 01:24 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Please use drag 'n drop to select or unselect monitors and learners Utilize arrastar para selecionar ou monitores e alunos não selecionados 02/11/14 01:24 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
{0} {1} ({2}) {0} {1} ({2}) 02/11/14 01:24 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
No learner data. Nenhum dado aluno. 02/11/14 01:24 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Time limitations As limitações de tempo 02/11/14 01:24 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Number days: Dias Número: 02/11/14 01:24 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Is this time limit for each individual? É este limite de tempo para cada indivíduo? 02/11/14 01:24 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Suspended Suspenso 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Learners Alunos 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Place the groups in their branches. Initially you can add and remove groups, but once a participant starts one of the branches then you will not be able to remove groups from any branches. You will still be able to add groups to branches. Coloque os grupos em suas filiais. Inicialmente, você pode adicionar e remover grupos, mas uma vez que um participante começa uma das filiais então você não será capaz de remover grupos de quaisquer filiais. Você ainda será capaz de adicionar grupos de filiais. 02/09/14 07:10 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Groups without a branch Grupos sem filial 02/09/14 07:10 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Groups of the selected branch Grupos da Filial selecionada 02/09/14 07:10 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Your browser does not handle frames! Seu navegador não lida com frames! 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Started Iniciado 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Yes Sim 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Not started Não Iniciado 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Completed Concluído 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Condition gate Condição 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Allow to pass Permitir a passagem 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
No Não 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
You may allow a single learner to pass the gate Você pode permitir um único aluno passar o portão 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Forbidden to pass Proibida a passagem 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Waiting at the gate Espera em frente à passagem 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Allowed to pass Permissão para passar 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Status: Status: 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Group functions: As funções de grupo: 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Change group name Alterar nome do grupo 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Enter new name: Digite o novo nome: 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Delete group Excluir grupo 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Show average Mostrar Média 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to delete this group? Tem certeza de que deseja excluir este grupo? 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
OK Ok 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Cancel Cancelar 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Search Pesquisa 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Have not met conditions Ainda não reunidas as condições 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
This grouping activity is used for branching. Groups can therefore not be added or deleted. Esta atividade de agrupamento é usada para ramificação. Grupos não podem ser adicionados ou excluídos. 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
You are presently in group view mode. Groups can not be modified. Você está atualmente no modo de visualização de grupo. Os grupos não podem ser modificados. 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Learner Aluno 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Because some learners have already entered this grouping activity, it will only be possible to add new learners to groups. Learners can not be removed from groups. Once a learner is added to a group, the action can not be undone. Como alguns alunos já entraram esta atividade agrupamento, só será possível adicionar novos alunos para os grupos. Os alunos não podem ser removidos dos grupos. Uma vez que um aluno é adicionado a um grupo, a ação não pode ser desfeita. 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Go Ir 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Note: This will allow all learners to pass regardless of the specified conditions. Nota: Isto irá permitir que todos os alunos passarem, ndependentemente das condições especificadas. 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Instructor chosen branching Instrutor escolhido Ramificação 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Because some learners have already entered this branching activity, it will only be possible to add new learners to branches. Learners can not be removed from branches, therefore, once a learner is added to a branch, the action can not be undone. Como alguns alunos já entraram esta atividade, só será possível adicionar novos alunos a ela. Os alunos não podem ser removidos a partir de filiais, por isso, uma vez que um aluno é adicionado a uma atividade, a ação não pode ser desfeita. 02/09/14 07:22 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Place the lesson participants in their branches. Initially you can add and remove learners, but once a participant starts one of the branches then you will not be able to remove learners from any branches. If you try to remove someone from a branch and they will not remove then check their progress - if they start using the branch while you are on this screen you will not get any errors but you will not be able to remove them from the branch. You will still be able to add learners to branches. Coloque os participantes de aula em seus ramos. Inicialmente, você pode adicionar e remover usuários, mas uma vez que um participante começa um dos ramos, então você não será capaz de remover os usuários. Se você tentar remover alguém de uma filial e eles não saírem em seguida, verificar o seu progresso - se eles começarem a usar o ramo enquanto estiver nesta tela você não vai ter nenhum erro, mas você não será capaz de removê-los do ramo. Você ainda será capaz de adicionar usuários a ramos. 02/09/14 07:49 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Complete this task now Conclua esta tarefa agora 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Monitors Monitores 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Lesson: {0} Lição: {0} 02/09/14 07:49 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
You have selected to remove this lesson. Removed lessons can not be retrieved again. Continue? Você selecionou para remover esta lição. Removido aulas não podem ser recuperados novamente. Continuar? 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
WARNING: This lesson is about to be removed! ATENÇÃO: Esta lição está prestes a ser removida! 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Title Título 02/09/14 07:49 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Learners {0} Alunos {0} 02/09/14 07:49 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Alert Alerta 02/09/14 07:49 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Title is a required field. Título é um campo obrigatório. 02/09/14 07:49 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Description: Descrição: 02/09/14 07:49 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Learners: Alunos: 02/09/14 07:49 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
A valid sequence must be selected. Uma seqüência válida deve ser selecionada. 02/09/14 07:49 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Branch Filial 02/09/14 07:10 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Learners without a branch Alunos sem Filial 02/09/14 07:10 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Members of selected branch Membros do ramo selecionado 02/09/14 07:10 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Add selected to branch Adicionar selecionado para Filial 02/09/14 07:10 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Remove selected from branch Remover selecionados da Filial 02/09/14 07:10 AM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Instant Messaging is now disabled Mensagem instantânea agora está desativado 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Required tasks Tarefas necessárias 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Permission gate Permissão Portão 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Choose grouping Escolha Agrupamento 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Now learners can see who is online Agora os alunos podem ver quem está on-line 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Allow learners to see who is online Permitir aos alunos para ver quem está on-line 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Now learners can not see who is online Agora os alunos não podem ver quem está on-line 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Enable Instant Messaging Ativar mensagem instantânea 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Instant Messaging is now enabled Mensagem instantânea agora está ativado 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Created but not started Criado, mas não começou 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Change the status of this lesson based on the drop down selection Alterar o estado desta lição baseado na seleção abaixo 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Place the lesson participants in their groups. Initially you can add and remove learners, but once a groups is used (that is, a participant starts an activity that uses the grouping) you will not be able to remove learners from it. Even if a group is in use you can still add learners. The changes are saved immediately. Para criar um grupo, digite o nome do grupo e clique em <strong>Adicionar Grupo</strong>. É necessário repetir. Selecione um grupo, então selecione os alunos da coluna 2 e clique em <strong>Adicionar seleção ao grupo</strong>. Selecione os alunos na coluna 3 e clique em <strong>Remover membros selecionados</strong> do grupo para removê-los do grupo de membros. As alterações são salvas quando você clica em qualquer um dos botões. 08/26/06 09:59 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Finished Finalizado 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Error occured Ocorreu um erro 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Synch gate Ponte de Sincronia 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Permission gate Ponte de Permissão 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Schedule gate Ponde de Agenda 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Schedule gate will be opened at: Ponte de Agenda será aberta as: 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Schedule gate will be closed at: Ponte de Agenda será fechada as: 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: You may open the gate for the whole class A Classe não pode continuar até que a ponte seja aberta por você 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Gate was opened Ponte já foi aberta 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Open Abrir 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Closed Fechar 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
{0} out of {1} are waiting in front of the gate. {0} fora de {1} estão esperando na frente da ponte. 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Maximum number of groups: Número máximo de grupos: 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: General instructions: Instruções Gerais: 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Groups Grupos 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Learners without a group Alunos sem um Grupo 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Members of selected group Membros do Grupo selecionado 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
No groups have been created. Nenhum grupo foi criado 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Loading... ( Carregando... ) 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Required information not received from server. Error code: Informação Necessária não foi recebida do servidor. Código do erro: 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Please enter a new group name to add. Favor entrar um novo nome de grupo para adicionar. 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Please select a group to remove. Favor selecionar um grupo para remover. 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Remove selected group Remover grupo selecionado 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Add group Adicionar grupo 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Add selected to group Adicionar grupo selecionado 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Remove selected members Remover membros selecionados 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Monitor :: LAMS Monitor :: LAMS 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Preview data deleted Previsualizar Dados Deletados 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Preview data for {0} lesson(s) has been deleted. Previsualizar dados para {0} licão(ões) que foi(ram) deletada(s). 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
This option is not supported for this activity. Esta opção não é suportada por esta atividade. 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: No such lesson with a lessonID of : {0} exists. Nenhuma lição com lessonID de: {0} existe. 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Invalid activityID :{0}. Inválido activityID: {0}. 08/26/06 01:16 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Invalid Activity type: {0}. Only ToolActivity allowed. Atividade Invalida tipo: {0}. Somente Ferramenta Atividade é permitida. 08/26/06 09:38 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Invalid activityID/lessonID : {0} : {1}. Inválido activityID/lessonID : {0} : {1} 08/26/06 09:38 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
An error has occurred. Please start again. Reason for error: {0} Ocorreu um erro. Favor iniciar novamente. Razão do erro: {0} 08/26/06 09:38 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Sorry, you do not have the privilege to perform this action. Desculpe, você não tem os privilégio para esta ação. 08/26/06 09:38 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Nothing changed as activity "{0}" is already complete. Nenhuma mudança já que a atividade "{0}" está completa. 08/26/06 09:38 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Move to activity stopped at a grouping activity "{0}" due to system error. Forçado a completar parou no agrupamento de atividade "{0}" acusando erro de sistema. 08/26/06 09:38 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Move to activity stopped at a grouping activity "{0}" that cannot be completed. Forçado a completar parou no agrupamento de atividade "{0}" que não pode ser completada. 08/26/06 09:38 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Move to activity stopped at a gate "{0}" that cannot be opened. Forçado a completar parou na ponte "{0}" acusando erro de sistema. 08/26/06 09:38 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Move to activity successful. Forçado a completar com sucesso. 08/26/06 09:38 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Move to activity successful to end of the lesson. Forçado a completar com sucesso para o final da lição. 08/26/06 09:38 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Move to activity has finished processing. Please check the learner's progress bar for their current activity. Forçado a completar terminou o processamento. Favor checar a barra de progresso do aluno para a atividade atual. 08/26/06 09:38 AM Paulo Gouveia Become a Translator!
Start the lesson immediately Comece a aula imediatamente 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Schedule Horário 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Schedule lesson to start in a future time Lição de agenda para iniciar em um tempo futuro 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Start now Comece agora 02/11/14 01:39 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Lesson "{0}" created with learning design "{1}" ({2}) lição "{0}" criada con design "{1}", portfólio de exportação para aluno {2} 01/17/07 01:30 PM Marcio Soares Become a Translator!
Learners Alunos 02/11/14 01:42 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Time chart Ver Tempo Gráfico 02/11/14 01:40 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
View a chart of the selected learner progress against time for each activity Ver um gráfico do progresso do aluno selecionado contra o tempo para cada atividade 02/11/14 01:40 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Page Página 02/11/14 01:40 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Order by completion Ordenar por finalização 02/11/14 01:40 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Clear search results Limpar resultados da busca 02/11/14 01:42 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Live Edit Viva Editar 02/11/14 01:42 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Edit the current design for this lesson Edite o projeto atual para esta lição 02/11/14 01:42 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Live Edit allows you to modify the design of your lesson while the learners are attempting it. If you continue, your design will appear in Authoring for you to modify. Once you have done your changes you MUST "Apply changes" to the design so learners can progress. If these changes are not applied, the learners will NOT be able to continue with the lesson. Do you want to continue? Você está prestes a fechar a tela do monitor e abrir editar ao vivo. Você deseja continuar? 02/11/14 01:42 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
*** UPDATED: Journal entries Lançamentos 02/11/14 01:42 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
View all Journal Entries saved by Learners Ver todas as entradas de diário salvos por alunos 02/11/14 01:42 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Lesson Lição 02/11/14 01:42 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Sequence Sequência 02/11/14 01:42 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Click on an activity to move learner "[0]" or outside any activity to cancel. Clique em uma atividade para movimentar aprendiz "[0]" ou fora de qualquer atividade para cancelar. 02/11/14 01:42 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to move learner "[0]" to the end of lesson? Tem certeza de que deseja mover aprendiz "[0]" para o fim da lição? 02/11/14 01:42 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to move learner "[0]" to activity "[1]"? Tem certeza que você deseja mover aprendiz "[0]" a atividade "[1]?" 02/11/14 01:42 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!
Start: Início: 02/11/14 01:32 PM Rodrigo Brandao Become a Translator!

Labels missing translation

English Description Action
Lesson completion lesson.chart.title Become a Translator!
In progress lesson.chart.started Become a Translator!
by {0} Become a Translator!
Not started lesson.chart.not.started Become a Translator!
Completed lesson.chart.completed Become a Translator!
Email Become a Translator!
Lesson introduction label.lesson.introduction Become a Translator!
(ctrl+click or ⌘+click to select multiple learners) Become a Translator!
Instant messaging Become a Translator!
Do you want to add all learners to the class? class.add.all.confirm Become a Translator!
All learners were added to the class class.add.all.success Become a Translator!
Add all button.edit.class.add.all Become a Translator!
{0} is currently editing this lesson. label.person.editing.lesson Become a Translator!
View forum Become a Translator!
Notifications index.emailnotifications Become a Translator!
Email reports Become a Translator!
Send now Become a Translator!
Schedule reports Become a Translator!
LAMS lesson progress: {0} Become a Translator!
[0] email(s) sent. Become a Translator!
Exported on: export.dateheader Become a Translator!
Send the current learners progress report by email to yourself only now? Become a Translator!
Some problems occurred while sending emails. Please, contact your system administrator. Become a Translator!
Please select a date first. Become a Translator!
Please add your first two dates and then a list can be generated. Become a Translator!
Would you like to generate a list of dates based on your first two dates? You can then select from the list. Become a Translator!
How many dates would you like generated? Become a Translator!
Reports will be emailed on: Become a Translator!
Add date Become a Translator!
Generate date list Become a Translator!
Date: Become a Translator!
Progress reports Become a Translator!
# of Learners Become a Translator!
The instructor has moved you to another activity. force.complete.learner.command.message Become a Translator!
Countdown Timer label.countdown.timer Become a Translator!
Notify students that email.notify.students.that Become a Translator!
Delete notification email.notifications.delete Become a Translator!
About to delete the scheduled notification: {0} email.notification.delete.alert1 Become a Translator!
Enter countdown time: label.enter.countdown.time Become a Translator!
Start label.start Become a Translator!
Time Left: label.countdown.time.left Become a Translator!
This cannot be undone. Do you want to delete? email.notification.delete.alert2 Become a Translator!
Attempted to force complete learner {0} to {1}. LessonId:{2}. audit.force.complete Become a Translator!
Attempted to force complete learner {0} to the end of the lesson. LessonId:{2}. audit.force.complete.end.lesson Become a Translator!
Content being edited lesson.task.content.edited Become a Translator!
This activity requires attention lesson.task.attention Become a Translator!
Define later lesson.task.define.later Become a Translator!
Next page Become a Translator!
The learner has not started the lesson yet label.learner.progress.not.started Become a Translator!
Save Become a Translator!
10 pages forward Become a Translator!
Previous page Become a Translator!
10 pages back Become a Translator!
users lesson.presence.count Become a Translator!
Not completed lesson.chart.not.completed Become a Translator!
Red squares indicate the current position of the learner in the lesson. tour.learners.progress.content.2 Become a Translator!
Green triangles represent activities not yet reached. tour.learners.progress.content.3 Become a Translator!
Sorting tour.completion.sorting.title Become a Translator!
Turn on to sort the completed learners first or turn off to sort alphabetically. tour.completion.sorting.content Become a Translator!
View the entries in the learner's journal. These are entries are made in Learner, using the <b>Save to Journal</b> option in the <b>Notebook</b>. tour.journal.entries.content Become a Translator!
Send an email to a particular learner. Become a Translator!
This function is disabled while the tour is running. Become a Translator!
Prev tour.prev Become a Translator!
Next Become a Translator!
More Become a Translator!
End Tour tour.end.tour Become a Translator!
Tour label.tour Become a Translator!
Monitor Tour tour.intro.title Become a Translator!
This short tour will show you the features of the LAMS Monitoring screen. You can stop the tour at any time by clicking End Tour, and restart it again by clicking on the Tour button. tour.intro.content Become a Translator!
End Of Tour tour.end.title Become a Translator!
Thank you for taking the tour. To restart the tour, click the Tour button again. tour.end.content.1 Become a Translator!
For further help, click on the <b>More</b> button below. tour.end.content.2 Become a Translator!
Tab Selection Become a Translator!
Monitoring is broken into three areas, accessed by these titles at the top of the page. Become a Translator!
<b>Lesson</b> gives the overall lesson details. Become a Translator!
<b>Sequence</b> gives an overview of the lesson design and is used to access the activities. Become a Translator!
<b>Learners</b> shows the details about each learner. Become a Translator!
Updates the screen. Become a Translator!
Click on the current status to change the status. The lesson can be Started, Suspended, Archived or Removed. tour.lesson.state.content.1 Become a Translator!
<b>Started</b> or Activated lessons are available for learners to participate in. tour.lesson.state.content.2 Become a Translator!
Grades by learner tour.gradebook.learner.grades Become a Translator!
View each learner in the lesson and their overall mark. Click on the + to see the details for individual activities. tour.gradebook.learner.grades.content Become a Translator!
Started learners / total learners lesson.ratio.learners.tooltip Become a Translator!
Grades by activity tour.gradebook.activity.grades Become a Translator!
View the average marks for each activity. Click on the + to see the details for learners. tour.gradebook.activity.grades.content Become a Translator!
Export tour.gradebook.export.grades Become a Translator!
Download the grades in an Excel (.xlsx) spreadsheet. tour.gradebook.export.grades.content Become a Translator!
Gradebook tab.gradebook Become a Translator!
<b>Gradebook</b> shows the marks for each learner. Become a Translator!
Release marks tour.gradebook.release.marks Become a Translator!
Enable/Disable the marks being shown to learners tour.gradebook.release.marks.content Become a Translator!
Show chart Become a Translator!
Show/hide a graph of the marks. Become a Translator!
Show dates Become a Translator!
Show/hide some of the date columns in the grids to make it easier to read. Become a Translator!
Chart tour.gradebook.marks.chart Become a Translator!
Click on a bar in the graph and then use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the graph. Once you zoom in, the grey selection in the bottom graph can be dragged left or right to show a different set of marks. Become a Translator!
<b>Suspended</b> or Disabled lessons are lessons that have been disabled by a monitor. Learners cannot see but not access disabled lessons. Learners currently in the lesson (with a learner window open) can progress through the lesson. tour.lesson.state.content.3 Become a Translator!
<b>Archived</b> lessons do not appear on learner's main screen, but are available for Monitors to view. tour.lesson.state.content.4 Become a Translator!
<b>Removed</b> lessons are removed altogether and cannot be retrieved. tour.lesson.state.content.5 Become a Translator!
This area shows the number of learners who have started the lesson so far, and the total number of learners who are able to access it. tour.lesson.count.learners.content.1 Become a Translator!
Note that this does NOT indicate the number of learners online at this moment, but rather how many learners have joined the lesson since it was started. tour.lesson.count.learners.content.2 Become a Translator!
Display the learners in the class. From the resulting learner list you can email a particular learner. Become a Translator!
Add or Remove learners from the lesson. tour.edit.class.content Become a Translator!
Send an email notification to one or more learners. Notifications can be scheduled for later sending. Become a Translator!
Click on <b>Presence</b> to allow learners to see who is currently online. Become a Translator!
Once Presence is on, the number of learners online is shown on the Presence button. Click <b>Instant Messaging</b> to allow learners to message each other. Become a Translator!
Click on Presence and Instant Messaging again to disable. Become a Translator!
View the learners' messages using <b>Open IM</b>. Become a Translator!
Graph showing the proportion of learners who have not started the lesson, are in progress or have completed the lesson. Hover over the graph sections to see the percentages. tour.completion.chart.content Become a Translator!
The sequence tab allows you to manage where learners are in the lesson or make changes to the lesson design. Become a Translator!
Double click on any activity to see the details for that activity. tour.activity.content Become a Translator!
View and Move Learners tour.move.learners.title Become a Translator!
If you have a small number of learners in an activity, hover over each person icon in an activity to find the right learner, then click on the learner to open a view of their current activity or click and drag the icon to move them to another activity. tour.move.learners.small.content Become a Translator!
Moving a learner forward to a new activity marks them as completed in the earlier activity or activities, without the learner completing the activity themselves. tour.move.learners.affect.content Become a Translator!
If you have a large number of learners in an activity, click on the group/people icon on the top right of the activity. This will bring up a box allowing you to select one or more learners to move, or to see the current activity view for a particular learner. tour.move.learners.large.content Become a Translator!
Completed Learners tour.completed.learners.title Become a Translator!
The completed learners appear at the bottom of the screen. To make a learner complete the lesson, click and drag the learner's icon from their current activity to this area at the bottom of the screen. tour.completed.learners.content Become a Translator!
Learner Search Become a Translator!
Enter a first name, last name or login to search for a learner. Become a Translator!
Live Edit Become a Translator!
Change the lesson design. You can only change the parts not yet accessed by learners, such as adding new activities later in the lesson. Become a Translator!
Learners gives a learner by learner view of lesson progression. More learners are available via paging. Become a Translator!
Blue circles indicate activities which have been completed by the learner. tour.learners.progress.content.1 Become a Translator!
Lesson "{0}" ({1}) removed permanently. audit.lesson.removed.permanently Become a Translator!
Lesson "{0}" ({1}) status changed from "{2}" to "{3}" audit.lesson.status.changed Become a Translator!
Overall learner's progress Become a Translator!
Gate label.gate.title Become a Translator!
Unknown label.unknown Become a Translator!
Email sent by automatically by LAMS on scheduled request Become a Translator!
Activity label.activity Become a Translator!
Status label.status Become a Translator!
Email learners progress reports Become a Translator!
Email a summary of the learners progress to yourself immediately. Become a Translator!
Schedule progress reports Become a Translator!
Set up the dates to automatically send emails with a summary of learners progress to all monitors for this lesson. Become a Translator!
Selected date is in the past. Become a Translator!
learners email.notifications.archived.messages.list.learners Become a Translator!
Now learners can see their activity scores on lesson completion. lesson.display.activity.scores.alert Become a Translator!
Lesson finishes {0} label.lesson.finishes Become a Translator!
Lesson starts {0} label.lesson.starts Become a Translator!
Show Weights Become a Translator!
Show/hide the activity weights used for marking this lesson. Become a Translator!
No learners in group. Become a Translator!
TBL Monitor label.tbl.monitor Become a Translator!
Teams label.teams Become a Translator!
Students & Teams label.students.teams Become a Translator!
Student label.student Become a Translator!
Gates label.gates Become a Translator!
iRA label.ira Become a Translator!
Schedule lesson to be disabled at a future time button.schedule.disable.tooltip Become a Translator!
Disable now Become a Translator!
Disable the lesson immediately Become a Translator!
Reschedule label.reschedule Become a Translator!
Now learners can not see their activity scores on lesson completion. lesson.hide.activity.scores.alert Become a Translator!
Click on <b>Display activity scores on completion</b> to allow learners to see their activity scores when they finish a lesson. Click again to disable. tour.display.activity.scores.content Become a Translator!
Lesson description shown to the learner when the lesson is launched. It may be changed with the Lesson Introduction button below. tour.lesson.description Become a Translator!
Change the lesson description (shown above). This description is shown to the learner when the lesson is launched. tour.edit.lesson.introduction Become a Translator!
tRA label.tra Become a Translator!
Burning Qs label.burning.questions Become a Translator!
Forum Become a Translator!
AEs label.aes Become a Translator!
Sequence label.sequence Become a Translator!
Design label.sequence.diagram Become a Translator!
Refresh label.refresh Become a Translator!
Attendance label.attendance Become a Translator!
{0} users knocking on the gate... label.users.knocking.on.gate Become a Translator!
Comparison label.comparison Become a Translator!
Change leader label.change.leader Become a Translator!
Bar chart Become a Translator!
Score label.score Become a Translator!
iRA responses for label.ira.responses.for Become a Translator!
tRA responses for label.tra.responses.for Become a Translator!
Note that the leader change only will take place for the activities in which the existing leader has not been set or commenced. label.note.leader.change Become a Translator!
Current leader: label.current.leader Become a Translator!
Leader has been successfully changed label.leader.successfully.changed Become a Translator!
Switch to regular monitor Become a Translator!
Peer Review Become a Translator!
Display activity scores on completion label.display.activity.score Become a Translator!
Export email.notifications.archived.export.button Become a Translator!
Notification Become a Translator!
Message: email.notifications.message.header Become a Translator!
Scheduled email.notifications.scheduled.messages.button Become a Translator!
Archived email.notifications.archived.messages.button Become a Translator!
List of archived emails email.notifications.archived.messages.list Become a Translator!
Sent on Become a Translator!
Sent to email.notifications.archived.messages.list.sent.count Become a Translator!
End: lesson.end Become a Translator!
Scheduled end date must be after the start date. Become a Translator!
Stop label.stop Become a Translator!
Resume label.resume Become a Translator!
Hours label.hours Become a Translator!
Minutes label.minutes Become a Translator!
Seconds label.seconds Become a Translator!
Reset label.reset Become a Translator!
Time has expired. Become a Translator!
Tool contribution lesson.task.tool Become a Translator!
Learning outcomes outcome.authoring.title Become a Translator!
Search and select by outcome name or code outcome.authoring.input Become a Translator!
Added outcomes outcome.authoring.existing Become a Translator!
none outcome.authoring.existing.none Become a Translator!
Are you sure you want to remove this learning outcome? outcome.authoring.remove.confirm Become a Translator!
Open now Become a Translator!
Opens gate immediately Become a Translator!
Open selectively... Become a Translator!
Choose which learners can go through the gate Become a Translator!
Opened label.task.gate.opened Become a Translator!