Forum Getting Started: How create my to sequence?

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1: How create my to sequence?
02/03/15 04:00 PM
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We, alread, have licence, bub we don´t know how to create wour own sequence!
Can somebody help me please?

Kind regards,
Mari e Gabriel

Posted by Mari e Gabriel Coimbra

2: Re: How create my to sequence?
In response to 1 02/04/15 06:40 AM
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Well, I have too questions: The first one is: to be honestly, I alread crated the sequence, but I couldn´t put it in Get Start Sequnces. How can I do this please?

The second one is: I am so sorry, but I migth put another one, but it was a mistake! How can delete that please? the remove option dosn,t work!!

Kind Regards.
Gabriel and Mari

Posted by Mari e Gabriel Coimbra

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