Forum Getting Started: Help with installation

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1: Help with installation
07/30/07 01:37 AM
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Hi all,

Please forgive me if there is an answer to this question elsewhere, but I have looked all around the boards and site and cannot locate it.

I have recently downloaded a copy of LAMS to assess whether it can help me roll out online learning for the non-profit organisation for whom I work. I'm a learning manager with some IT experience, but certaibly not an IT expert. Thus, I am having trouble with SQL. I don't understand exactly what I'm supposed to do with SQL, other than that it needs to be running in order to run LAMS.

I've downloaded LAMS onto a laptop to test it, so I don't know whether this causes any problems also.

But, long story short, can someone please point me to some simple instruction detailing what I need to do with SQL to get the laptop to the point where LAMS will run? At the moment, when I run LAMS, I simply receive a message stating that SQL needs to be running. At that point, LAMS terminates.

Again, apologies if these instructions actually reside somewhere simple and I have overlooked them.

Kind regards,

Glenn Hansen
The Salvation Army Employment Plus

Posted by Glenn Hansen

2: Re: Help with installation
In response to 1 07/31/07 08:43 PM
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Hi Glenn,

You might want to post these problems in the Tech Community Forums.

LAMS has a certain some pre-required software that you need to install before you try to install LAMS. If you are using Windows, you can have a look at the Windows Installer Help page on the Wiki. If you are using Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, Solaris, etc... have a look at the Unix Help page.

There's even animated tutorials if you need.

Let us know how you go.



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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