Forum Getting Started: Re: Can students create a survey in LAMS?


2: Re: Can students create a survey in LAMS?
In response to 1 11/13/08 02:14 PM
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Hi Ying,

I'm guessing what you want is for the students to collaboratively come up with the survey? If that's what you want to do, you can use an activity like Chat & Scribe for the students to discuss what the questions should be and then the scribe will summarize the agreed questions for the survey.

Then this questions can be added into a Survey by a teacher or tutor.

Does that make sense?


Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

3: Re: Re: Can students create a survey in LAMS?
In response to 2 11/15/08 03:40 AM
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That's great! I didn't think of going about it that way. I was going to get them to use surveymonkey or similar but then I got stuck with getting the class to do the survey created by the students.

Thanks Ernie!

Posted by ying sng

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