Forum Higher Ed & Training Forum: Re: Using LAMS in Science


2: Re: Using LAMS in Science
In response to 1 09/25/05 07:59 PM
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To be a little clearer:

I would like to know about your experiences with resources and prac structure. For example, do students have computer access before and during prac classes, do they commonly share their results with other students, are they encouraged to discuss each others results, do they need to use excel to present their results (LAMS could present them with a way to share their excel spreadsheets/graphs), do teachers have time to access student work before they come to class and so on.


Posted by Bronwen Dalziel

3: Re: Re: Using LAMS in Science
In response to 2 09/26/05 02:14 PM
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We run day-long labs in Years 1 and 2 that typically have a mix of wet and dry elements. I can only speak for the class that I run.

Q. Do students have computer access before and during prac classes?

A. Yes (their own and university clusters) and Yes (but less so, a small cluster and a few wifi laptops).

Q. Do they commonly share their results with other students?

A. Yes -- it is a fairly common strategy to get students to collate their data, sometimes replicates for statistical purposes, sometimes protocol variants as part of a factorial design.

Q. Are they encouraged to discuss each others results?

A. I'm sure it would be good if they did but I think this is less common, at least with large classes. It's something I'm moving towards.

Q. Do teachers have time to access student work before they come to class?

A. I wish I did but I don't! Again, class size and teaching load are issues.

Posted by Peter Miller

4: Re: Re: Re: Using LAMS in Science
In response to 3 09/26/05 02:27 PM
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Just noticed that dotLRN has a survey facility. Nice to chat on this topic but worth considering maybe for others.

Posted by Peter Miller

5: Re: Re: Re: Re: Using LAMS in Science
In response to 4 09/26/05 06:56 PM
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Thanks for your feedback Peter.

How big is a prac group normally? We would run a prac of around 120 students, but there would be around 20-25 students per demonstrator.

Pracs would typically have a 1 hour tutorial followed by 4 hours experimental work. There are 2 banks of about 15 computers for processing results. I know this set up was considered expensive by the department and the number of pracs has recently been halved.

Transferring the cost of the tutorials (at around $70/25 demonstrators/week) over to a LAMS format would already be saving a lot of money. Not that the demonstraotrs (PhD students) would be too thrilled.

I will try to work up a real prac soon to show how I think LAMS can be used.

I will also talk to Robyn about setting up a survey for this topic.

Thanks again.

Posted by Bronwen Dalziel

6: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Using LAMS in Science
In response to 5 09/27/05 05:25 PM
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Q. How big is a prac group normally? We would run a prac of around 120 students, but there would be around 20-25 students per demonstrator.

A. Similar size: 110-160, 3 staff + 5 demonstrators, runs twice in 6-week slots, full-day each Thursday! I'm not claiming this is typical.

Not sure that I want to replace wet labs entirely for obvious reasons. Using LAMS to get students involved in experimental design is one objective I have but didn't realise this year.

Generically we also use computers on the course for data collation, image processing and simulation (slime mould signalling with the Laub-Loomis model). The latter would be a good target too.

Posted by Peter Miller

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