Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: Could not handle zip file when uploading file.

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1: Could not handle zip file when uploading file.
10/22/10 11:03 AM
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Hello everyone!

I uploaded 4 web zipped files that I made using Articulate. They all are LMS and zipped files. When I tried to upload more than those 4, I got this error "Could not handle zip file when uploading file." :s Can you guys help me? Where should I go to keep loading more files from LAMS (using shared resources)?

Posted by Andres Lincango

2: Re: Could not handle zip file when uploading file.
In response to 1 10/24/10 12:34 PM
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Hi Andres,

Sorry I'm not familiar with Articulate. Is this software like dreamweaver?

Would you be able to upload one of these files in here so I can have a look at its structure? Perhaps I can tweak it a bit to make it work with LAMS Share Resources.



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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