Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: A problem in tha map of google

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1: A problem in tha map of google
04/06/10 01:51 AM
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Hi, I'm Jose from University of Guadalajara, I design an activity with the map application, but when I run the activity in the display message appers the folow message:

Este sitio web requiere una clave diferente del API de Google Maps. Puedes generar una clave nueva en

This site requires a different key from the Google Maps API. You can generate a new key in

But I create the api code and paste the code in the page of administration, and the message appears again... What I can do?

Posted by Jose Delgado

2: Re: A problem in tha map of google
In response to 1 04/07/10 05:03 PM
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Hola Tonio,

Make sure that when you get the API Key from Google you include the /lams part. So for instance, if my domain is: y LAMS esta installado en, then make sure that when you request a key, you include the full domain *and* path:

Give it a go and let me know.



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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