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1: lams and adobe capit
11/22/11 05:14 PM
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Can you embedd a lams sequence in to an adobe captivate lesson and if so HOW?

Posted by helen branch

2: Re: lams and adobe capit
In response to 1 11/24/11 08:38 AM
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Hi Helen,

I've seen people embedding Captivate objects into LAMS, but not the other way around.

I don't know Adobe Captivate enough but did a quick search and it seems that there's a web page widget that you can use to embed a LAMS sequence into a Captivate object:

Also, here's another example from the Captivate official blog:

If you put the LAMS lesson link in there, it should open fine. Note that you will need to give your students usernames and passwords to login in LAMS though.



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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