LAMS & Moodle2 integration stable release!
By: Ernie Ghiglione
In response to 1 | 01/17/12 01:49 PM | ||
Hi fellas,
We have finally finished all the development tasks to consider the LAMS plugin for Moodle2 stable So now this module complies to pretty much all features and functionalities of all other Moodle2 tools/activities. These are some of the features we've implemented:
A brief explanation: Status completion If for a Moodle course, the option to track student's completion is enable, when creating a lesson, a teacher will be able to set a criteria for when the LAMS lesson will be set as completed. These options can be:
Completion tracking As soon as a LAMS lesson is completed, Moodle is automatically notified making sure that both systems are at sync. Like other Moodle activities, you can select which groups you want to access LAMS lessons. If the LAMS lesson has a quiz or an assessment that produces an result, this will be passed automatically to Moodle so it can be added to the Moodle's gradebook. When creating a LAMS lesson, a teacher can specify the score that he/she wants this lesson to have in the Moodle course. For example a LAMS lesson can be given a score of 100 points. Here's a simple example: If a LAMS sequence has a quiz that has a maximum mark of 50, but when the teacher created the LAMS lesson in Moodle decided that the score for the LAMS lesson activity should be 100, then when a student finishes with a score of 40 points, this mark is passed to Moodle which then calculates the proportional mark based on the 100 points. In this case it will be (40/50) * 100, so the score in Moodle's gradebook will be 80 points. Now you can backup courses and include LAMS activities in them. Here's where you can have a play with the integration as it stands today: http://moodle.lamscommunity.org/moodle2/ All you need to know about this integration: from setup, development and video how-tos http://wiki.lamsfoundation.org/display/lamsdocs/Moodle2 Download And here's where you get the latest plugin: http://wiki.lamsfoundation.org/display/Downloads (integrations tab) Many thanks to Daniel Schneider, Spyros Papadakis and Jeremy Page for their constant help with testing this integration and suggesting new features and fixes. Comments, suggestions, improvements, please don't hesitate to post them here. Thanks, Ernie Posted by Ernie Ghiglione |
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