Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: preview button

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1: preview button
12/24/13 02:40 PM
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I have saved everything in my LAMS sequence and the preview button is not greyed out, but when i click on it, i get a message to say to save it first before preview. When i click the save button, the message appears saying congratulations, my sequence is valid and successfully saved.
Does anyone have any idea as to why i can't preview my sequence??

Also, do i have to add an area for the students to write in, for example under notebook, i have asked them to write something, do i need to click on somewhere to add a comment space for the kids to write in or will it automatically appear? if i need to click, how do i do that?

Thankyou for your time

Posted by Emily Lundstrom

2: Re: preview button
In response to 1 12/29/13 09:00 PM
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Would really appreciate feedback on the preview button not actually allowing any preview.

I have the same issue Emily!

Posted by Holly Cunningham

3: Re: preview button
In response to 1 12/29/13 10:05 PM
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Hi Emily,

So let me see if I understand what you are mentioning here.

You are saying that you save your sequence, and LAMS Author says that it was saved and that is value, but you are unable to click on the "Preview" button?

Is this the case?

BTW, what website are you using?

Also, do i have to add an area for the students to write in, for example under notebook, i have asked them to write something, do i need to click on somewhere to add a comment space for the kids to write in or will it automatically appear?

In Authoring for Notebook, you just fill up the comment that the students will see when they get to the activity. The textarea for them to write will appear just below your text.

Hope that helps.


Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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