Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: Is there a LAMS syntax like that for Captivate

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1: Is there a LAMS syntax like that for Captivate
05/31/15 11:34 PM
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I am looking for similar ways to create LAMS objects like the widgets in Captivate. Is there a list of standard commands like for example the cpCmndGotoSlide in captivate. I often use this in JavaScript or AS3 widgets to tell captivate to move to the next slide. Is there any code like this for LAMS?


Posted by Luke ODonnell

2: Re: Is there a LAMS syntax like that for Captivate
In response to 1 06/06/15 01:08 PM
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Hi Luke,

I'm not familiar with Captivate that much, so I'm not certain how it can be compared.

However, LAMS is a web application and the orchestration of activities is done in the LAMS Authoring environment.

Hope that helps?


Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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