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Changes to how we use the FCKEditor in 2.0
By: Fiona Malikoff
09/11/06 06:15 PM | ||
Folks, we've made some changes in how we are using the FCKEditor in LAMS 2.0. The FCKEditor is the HTML editor that we are using.
If you are using the zip file on the wiki page, then you won't see these changes. But you will see them if you are using the server we set up from the translators, or if you are building from CVS. Usage So we have gone back to only one or two FCKEditors on the authoring page. The main heading will just be a normal text entry field, which is rendered as a heading in the learner screens. The online and offline instructions boxes on the instructions tab are now plain textareas, *not* FCKEditors. The instructions box (on the basic tab) is an FCKEditor and it is is editing mode straight away - the "HTMLEditor" button and the tick and cross are gone. Tools such as Forum, Question and Answer, which require a list of topics/items/entries will work the way Forum does. There will be a list of entries and if you want to edit an entry you click the entry in the list and an editing area appears. Within the editing area is an FCKEditor. So we end up with no more than two editors on the screen, the performance is now okay and hopefully users will not be confused! We've also added in a button that opens up a full page editor. In the attached screen shot, I've marked the button that will open the editor into full page mode. It will "replace" the current screen. Don't panic if you wonder where the rest of the screen went - just click on the button again and it will go back to normal mode. For the Tool Writers So Ken and anyone else out there working on a tool, I'm afraid it's time for some code changes. Update your copy of LAMS from the cvs, then make the following changes. 1. Copy the lams.tld file from lams_central to your project (web/WEB-INF) 4. Remove the <lams:HTMLEditor/> tag from the authoring pages. One of the new additions is a parameter contentFolderId. This is used within the FCKEditor to upload files to correct location on the LAMS server. The contentFolderId is passed as a parameter to the Authoring page URL. This value needs to be saved via the SessionMap OR by placing it in the AuthoringForm with a hidden field in the authoring.jsp. The contentFolderId needs to be passed in to the AuthoringButton tag and the FckEditor tag. So far we have updated Noticeboard, Forum, Submit and Share Resources. Do not look at Multiple Choice, Q&A or Voting for ideas as these three tools are having their user interface overhauled at the moment. Regards, Fiona Malikoff Posted by Fiona Malikoff |
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