Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: Monitor information on student progress

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1: Monitor information on student progress
10/31/06 09:58 PM
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One of our academic staff asked whether it is possible to have information about student progress for an activity, as shown in Monitor on the Learners tab, but in a format which could be added to a spreadsheet.

For example, this academic would like to assign participation marks for the activity - full marks for completion and part marks for attempting but not completing the activity. So, she wanted a list of students with a column showing 'Did not attempt', 'In progress' and 'Completed' for each student. (It could also indicate which tool the student was up to, although this was not required in this case).

While it is possible to extract this information by looking at the Learner tab and filling out our own spreadsheet, once there are more than a dozen students it is quite tedious - it would be great to be able to download the data for the whole class easily.

Posted by Judy King

2: Re: Monitor information on student progress
In response to 1 11/01/06 01:11 AM
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G'day Judy,

LAMS 2.0 has something new that might help for the scenario you are refering to. It's called Export Portfolio.

This Export portfolio features in Monitor and allows the teacher to export every that all the students have done thru out the sequence. The format of this export is a zipped file that contains an HTML page that contains a list of all activities in the sequence.

When you click on any of these activities, you will get (another html page) that shows you all the 'stuff' the students have done in the sequence, files they have uploaded, answers to questions, all the chat logs, etc depending on what tool this was.

So you can think of Export portfolio basically as an snapshot of everything that has happened in your sequence upto that point. Note that you can request export portfolios at any time.

Since each activity page will tell you what the students have done, you can derive the 'did attempt' one, perhaps?

Now if you want, you can Export the portfolio for one specific student and that will show you up to where he/she has gotten in the sequence.

Hope that helps


Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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