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LAMS 2.0 is now released!
By: Ernie Ghiglione
12/06/06 11:14 AM | ||
After months and months of work, finally LAMS 2.0 is out and it was launched yesterday at the LAMS Conference in Sydney.
The most exciting thing about this 2.0 release is not just that is ready to be used (which is very cool in itself), but in fact, this is the beginning of a much interesting road map. Now that LAMS has a modular architecture any developer anywhere can start creating their own tools, modifying the existing ones to customize them to his/her needs, change the tool's interface, etc. As the LAMS 2.0 framework is ready the possibilities for creating activity sequences for any education sector are endless. We can create now tools and activities for engineering, language, linguistics, computer science, education, kinder garden kids, etc. That's on top of the default 17 LAMS activity tools (which features such as lock when finished, use them offline, full HTML, record journals, export portfolio, etc). So the most exciting part is about to start! And as a LAMS dev community we are thrilled at the many possibilities we have to shape out LAMS in future! Regarding translations, all 23 languages have been included. However, if you use the LAMS installer, these are the languages that have completed the minimum requirements for translations (the 4 flash modules): * ar_JO Arabic (Jordan) If your translation is not there, no worries, just keep working on your translations and the language packs are going to keep your LAMS 2.0 updated with the latest from the i18n site. There are stucks of features included even from RC2: serious UI improvements for rigth-to-left languages (arabic), The whole admin/sysadmin module has the ability to modify all system parameters directly from the web, bulk user creation, modification of default tool content, modify login page, etc, etc... Here are some rough Release Notes based on the tasks we've done while working on this release. There are lots and lots of people to thank for this and this is just a few of the people that have been involved in the development -but by no means is complete. Development Team:Fiona Malikoff Dapeng Ni Ozgur Demirtas Jun-Dir Liew Mitchell Seaton Anthony Sukkar Pradeep Sharma Luke Foxton Yoichi Takayama Ernie Ghiglione Fei Yang David Caygill Mai Ling Truong Anthony Xiao Jacky Fang Manpreet Minhas Chris Perfect Graphic design and cover page model:Michelle O'Reilly LAMS Educational Team:Robyn Philip Bronwen Dalziel Angela Voerman Karen Baskett Support Staff:Renee Vance Johnny Ly Andrew Logue LAMS Creator and Benevolent Dictator:James Dalziel Translators:Maori (New Zealand) Portuguese (Brazil) Welsh (United Kingdom) Spanish (Spain) German (Germany) Chinese (China) French (France) Italian (Italy) Norwegian (Norway) Swedish (Sweden) Korean (Korea) Polish (Poland) Hungarian (Hungary) Bulgarian (Bulgaria) Thai (Thailand) Dutch (Belgium) Arabic (Jordan) Danish (Denmark) Russian (Russia) Vietnamese (Viet Nam) Now LAMS is all yours so please enjoy it and get involved now! Posted by Ernie Ghiglione |
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