Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: LAMS integration with Moodle 1.8

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1: LAMS integration with Moodle 1.8
05/15/07 07:09 PM
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Trying to integrate LAMS with Moodle 1.8 on my internal server. When I open Moodle and og in as administrator I get the message that moodle can´t read the lamstwo folder. ANd yet it is set as a readable folder. ANy suggestions. Or is Moodle 1.8 a bit ahead at this stage.

Second question - I have LAMS operating on my computer and accessing it through localhost - and I wouldlike to install it on my external server - how to instal lams on an external server????


Posted by Skye Riquelme

2: Re: LAMS integration with Moodle 1.8
In response to 1 05/15/07 09:47 PM
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Hi Skye,

> I get the message that moodle can´t read the lamstwo folder. ANd yet it is set as a readable folder.

I'm assuming you are running this on unix? If so, can you check that the all files in the lamstwo directory also have reading permissions by the user that is running apache?

> Or is Moodle 1.8 a bit ahead at this stage.

No, that should be fine. We also have it with Moodle 1.9dev and it works OK.

> I have LAMS operating on my computer and accessing it through localhost - and I wouldlike to install it on my
> external server - how to instal lams on an external server????

Let me see if I get you right: do you want to install LAMS in *another* server? or Just change the URL so other people in the network can access the lams server on your machine?



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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