Well, we haven't publicly announce this in the Moodle forum due to what I mentioned before: the windows installer for LAMS 1.0.2, the LAMS release that has all the integration "hooks" is driving us bananas.
First, due to license reasons, we aren't able to bundle Sun JAVA JDk and MySQL server as we did with the LAMS 1.0.1 installer. Therefore we had to change our installer a *lot* since two major components and dependencies are not longer needed.
Additionally, 1.0.2 does not longer require an organization-key, which was a sort of key that we were planning to use to further organize the resources in the LAMS Community. We chucked this out as we thought that it was a bit too complex for the average random striker out there.
At any rate, I have dropped all my other tasks *just* to get this bloody thing running.
Today, after refactoring the code for the installer almost completely, the windows machine I was using died (hard disk failure) *sigh*
So frustraiting 
Anyway, I managed to scribble some notes of the changes I did, so I think it will take me less time this time. As soon as we have a working version of the installer, we are ready to roll!
BTW, I added on Monday a new LAMS&Moodle animation showing how to use LAMS Monitor from Moodle to track the student's progress thru a sequence. You can have a look in the LAMS&Moodle integration page (, it's called "Monitoring a LAMS sequence".
Thanks for your patience. As soon as we are ready with the windows installer, we'll announce it big time.
Posted by Ernie Ghiglione