G'day Adam,
> 1.1 Managing (deleting) users/subgroups/gropus permanently from database
Hmmm.. I know a lot of people that would beg to differ here with you 
The main issue with deleting users, for example, is what we do we do with their forum postings, their answers in Q&A or the assignments they have uploaded? Say you deleted a user that has participated in two separate courses, what and how can we tell the teacher that has marked his/her assignment that this person is not longer there.
Currently in LAMS you can delete users as long as they have not logged in or participated in any lessons.
Similarly this goes for courses and subgroups (what do we do or where do we put the lesson that were used by the students there?)
If your concern is based on what would happen with so much information in a few years if we keep collecting all this?
Well, some universities tend to backup and then delete all courses from their LMS at the end of the semester and start a new clean one the following semester. And that seems to work for the fellows here at Macquarie. Although there are some universities that insist to keep *everything* as a student you might want to have a look at lessons you did in previews years/semesters... so this is a matter of choice (and also resources).
> 1.2 Tree structure of gropus/subgropus/lessons to view/hide stuff (helpful when there are lot of subgroups (I
> have 22 now) and lessons (about 10 per subgroup)
Your wish will become true in LAMS 2.1 (haven't you seen this in the translators server yet?). You are able to close and open courses and then move sequences up or down. Have a look... although it isn't quite finished. You can monitor the progress here
> 2. Permanent access to some tools in Student - screen could be divided into 2 areas: list of courses (that's what
> we've got) and tools (forum, chat, noticeboard) that are avaliable all the time, not only in lesson
Yeah, we called this floating activities and there has been some discussion on this before. They will happen. Hopefully in LAMS 2.2.
> 3. Summary and statistics in Monitor: subgroup summary with all student's name and all marks from all the lessons
> (easy way to mark student in the end of the semester)
Do you mean a sort of gradebook for a course where teachers are able to see the completition of all the lesson and marks that each student have got in each?
Posted by Ernie Ghiglione