Hi Arnel,
> Is there a way to have an option for the user to view the LAMS activity again?
If you have finished a lesson, you can go back to the activities one by one using the progress bar on the left hand frame.
However, LAMS won't take you back to the first activity and let you "run" the same lesson again. You will, as I mentioned before, be able to go back and view the activities you have finished, but it won't play the lesson again from scratch.
One of the thing I suggested to Dave before is that you guys could let people self sign-in into the Moodle site so when they get to the Moodle course they will have all the demo LAMS lessons ready for them to play.
If you want them to have Monitor rights in these lessons, you can change the Moodle course settings so when they get added to the Moodle course, automatically they become teachers as well.
Although if this doesn't cut it for you guys, then you could hack the LAMS Moodle integration a bit so when the student click on the LAMS lesson from a moodle course what it does, instead of going to the learner interface, it invokes a "LAMS preview lesson" (similarly to what we are done with the Preview button for LAMS sequences in the LAMS Community Repository: see example here [click on red preview button]).
However, this has its limitations... Most of the LAMS sequences usually are designed to be run with more than one people as we emphasize collaboration.
Spawning new preview lessons for a sequence only shows you how students/learners will "view" the sequence, but it doesn't give you a real sense of learning experience if the sequence has been created to have a collaborative team going thru it.
Hope that helps,
Posted by Ernie Ghiglione