Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: Problem Starting LAMS?!!

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1: Problem Starting LAMS?!!
02/12/08 12:46 PM
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I have installed LAMS successfully on my XP machine a day ago, and it work fine and I was able to play around with it.

However, today when I turned on my machine and choose to Start LAMS, I get a 404 Bad Request page, my question is, is what I have done (i.e. going to start-> all programs-> LAMSV2-> Start LAMS) is the proper way to start LAMS, if not, how I am supposed to start it? if yes, what is the problem?


Posted by iris garden

2: Re: Problem Starting LAMS?!!
In response to 1 02/12/08 06:15 PM
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Hi Iris,

Yes, that's the way to start LAMS.

First thing I suggest is to stop LAMS (see the other option going to start-> all programs-> LAMSV2-> Stop LAMS), give it a minute or two to ensure it's stop and Start it up again. It could be that it was running before and you started it again perhaps.

If that doesn't work: could it be that you have another application running that can conflict with LAMS? Another web application perhaps?

If you could also send attached a zip file with all the log files (see the files we need here), that'll give us a better indication why LAMS is not starting properly.



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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