Got it! The only problem was that I wasn't passing the lsid. I didn't realize that parameter was referring to the id of the page you would like to open.
This is a little weird though... the Congratulations page isn't working. Firebug is showing me and error that reads: "uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property Window.contentFrame"
However, if I access just the LAMS survey in my main browser window, the messages appear just fine. It's only in the iframe of my application that the problem occurs. Any idea what could be going on?
Also, the interface is displayed properly, but the lesson doesn't appear to load unless I click the 'Resume' button. Otherwise, it just displays a message saying "The next task is loading. Please wait....". Weird, right?
And one other problem... for my main test user everything is working ok, but when I use another user account, without changing anything else, I get an error in the LAMS sidebar and the lesson doesn't load. It just says that "A following System Error has occurred: You may need to restart the browser window...". Any clue what could be causing this?
Sorry to keep bugging you with all these problems, but thanks for the all the help so far! It's much appreciated!
Posted by Keith Kamholz