I tracked down the issue
1) In the version of lamstwo mod for moodle we had it was not recording cm->id. I fixed that.
I checked and even the latest code does not record the NAME of the lamstwo activity, but the id in the information field.
I changed view.php to read
add_to_log($course->id, "lamstwo", "view", "view.php?id=$cm->id", "$lamstwo->name", $cm->id);
where we send $lamstwo->name instead of $lamstwo->id.
I got the lamstwo module code from http://wiki.lamsfoundation.org/display/lams/Integrations specifically: http://lamscommunity.org/2.0/integrations/moodle/lamstwo.zip which refers to Moodle 1.8+.
Should this be updated to record the name which is much more interesting to a teacher than the sequence_id.
Posted by Dave Bauer