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1: How can I build lams flash Authoring studio.
09/28/09 03:38 AM
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Hello all,

I am trying to build the lams authoring studio but I always get errors similar to the following :

The class 'org.lamsfoundation.lams.common.ui.Dialog' cannot be imported because its leaf name is already being resolved to imported class 'org.lamsfoundation.lams.common.Dialog'.

Total Action scripts errors 233.
Reported errors 100.

I am using flash cs4. I tried to use the mx 2004 but it was impossible to edit the files.

Could anyone help me??
thank you!!!

Posted by Manolis Mylonakis

2: Re: How can I build lams flash Authoring studio.
In response to 1 09/28/09 04:13 PM
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Hi Manolis,

I know the flash guys have used MX2004, but I really don't know how you need to configure it. There's a Flash page in the wiki that might help:



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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