Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: Re: Moodle intergration: database configuration


2: Re: Moodle intergration: database configuration
In response to 1 11/16/05 04:37 PM
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Hi Nathan,

Yesterday I posted this message on how the integration works. Hopefully you can find it useful to understand how the implementation works overall.

Regarding the userinfo_url column, this is the URL that LAMS will call when a user requesting a sequence in LAMS does *not* exist in LAMS. Because LAMS has to create a user on the fly, it needs a URL from where it can get basic user info to create a user in LAMS (username, first name, last name, email).

So for Moodle the userinfo_url, your entry should look like this:

So when LAMS calls for information for a user, it passes the Moodle username (that gets from Moodle with the request to access a sequence), date and a hash (that is used to ensure that the request is coming for a legitimate source). The request is picked up by the moodle lams module (moodle/mod/lams) which then validates the hash and passes the basic user info back to LAMS on a string. I'm pretty sure we encrypt this string, but I can recall for sure.

I hope this helps. Let me know otherwise.



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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