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Browsing LAMS sequences for: Chelsea Bullock (30)

Chelsea Bullock
(See profile)
30 sequences
Member since: June 10, 2020
Sequence info License
Embed online resources within LAMS  
Make Your Lessons Seamless with LAMS!

Did you know you can easily embed web resources directly into LAMS? Just copy and paste links into any of the editors, and they’ll be automatically embedded — no extra steps required! Your students can access videos, interactive content, articles, and more without ever leaving LAMS, keeping them focused and engaged within the lesson.

Take your...

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Updated on: March 19, 2025
Colour Symbol Image Thinking Routine 3.5 stars
The Colour, Symbol, Image thinking routine’s core purpose is to enhance students’ comprehension, synthesis, and organisation of ideas in activities that involve the reading of, writing of, and listening to a text through the identification of the essence of key words and ideas. 

The routine -which was developed as part of Harvard Project Zero, includes three key steps to build understanding:...
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Updated on: December 13, 2024
Understanding Cellular Respiration through... 5.0 stars
Title: Understanding Cellular Respiration through Inquiry-Based Learning

Subject: Biology


Students will be able to develop an understanding of cellular respiration and its significance in living organisms through an inquiry-based learning activity.


    Access to scientific articles, videos, and diagrams related to cellular respiration (see initial video in...

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Updated on: May 04, 2023
Collaborative Writing: Climate Change and the... 5.0 stars
Lesson Title: Collaborative Writing: Climate Change and the Need for Action.


Students will be able to collaborate effectively in small groups to write a persuasive essay on a Climate Change and the Need for Action.


    - Laptops or computers with internet access
    - Rubric for the persuasive essay


    Introduction (5 minutes)

     - Start the...

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Updated on: May 04, 2023
Writing Annotated Bibliographies 5.0 stars
Writing Annotated Bibliographies

This is a TBL learning design that we use in a “Studying Policy and Practice” course, which is the first course on a BA(Hons) Early Childhood Studies programme. This course introduces students to study skills appropriate in higher education. The course is taught once a week over a period of 8 weeks to about 20 undergraduate mature students in a community...

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Updated on: August 11, 2022
Graduate Script Project  
Graduate Script Project

TBL Resource Bank details

Authors: Dee Hughes, Bournemouth University

Context: Undergraduate Course

This is a final year module for a cohort of approx. 30 scriptwriting students about to begin their final undergraduate script project. The module runs for a single semester, ten weeks, and is the first time any of the students will have experienced TBL. The...

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Updated on: July 12, 2022
Understand and Applying Styles of Leadership 4.0 stars
This lesson is appropriate for an undergraduate course that includes a unit or units in leadership. It was originally designed for a group dynamics class cross-listed between psychology and communication, but it also has wide application for business, arts and sciences courses, and the health professions. Students prepare for the Team-Based Learning module by reading a textbook chapter, a brief...
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Updated on: December 26, 2021
Design thinking  
Design Thinking Strategy
The Design Thinking Process is a process for students to follow to enhance their understanding of the users or audience of a certain product or service, to challenge assumptions of those people, to redefine a problem to demonstrate their deep understanding of it, to create innovative solutions to that problem and to test those solutions in order to evaluate the...
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Updated on: May 25, 2021
Peer Instruction 5.0 stars
Peer instruction is a structure teaching technique that allows students to examine their own and their colleagues reactions to a concept question.
The process of reviewing one's answer and compare it to others contributes significantly to the student learning as well as their engagement (Mazur 2012).

How does it work?

1.    Students individually consider the concept question and are...

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Updated on: April 24, 2021
Social Distance - Dilemma  
Social Distance - Digital Dilemma

This resource is an adaption of new tools in development by Project Zero's Education with Digital Dilemmas Project (Carrie James & Emily Weinstein) and Common Sense Education.


In this lesson, we present the case of Kaden and friends. When their school was closed as the effects of the ongoing pandemic, they decided to share on Social...

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Updated on: April 19, 2021
Introduction to Comparative Politics 4.0 stars
Actors, Factors and Choices: An Introduction to Comparative Politics

Authors: Neal Carter, Bridgham Young University - Idaho

Context: POLSC 150: Introduction to Comparative Politics

This is the first substantive module used in POLSC 150: Introduction to Comparative Politics. This class is geared primarily toward Political Science, Public Policy and Administration, and International...

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Updated on: April 15, 2021
3-2-1 Bridge (thinking routine)  
3–2–1 Bridge

The 3–2–1 bridge thinking routine is an effective tool for students to identify changes to their thinking across a learning task, lesson or project. There are three core components to the strategy; reflection on initial thinking, reflection on new thinking and consideration of how thinking has changed or developed.

It is flexible and can easily be used with a wide range of...

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Updated on: April 01, 2021
Preparing students for TBL 3.5 stars
Preparing students for TBL


This module provides an introduction to any TBL course. It is designed to overcome student resistance (and even hostility) to a teaching approach that requires them to pre-learn course materials for assessment in class, and to quickly build a positive and productive learning culture in student teams, and in the classroom as a whole. This session...

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Updated on: February 08, 2021
Global Health Microbiology - TBL 5.0 stars
Global Health Microbiology - TBL

Description: By the conclusion of this this TBL module students will be able to evaluate the relative effectiveness of different infectious disease control strategies based on knowledge of parasite life-cycles. They will recognize that infectious disease is a complex problem with regional and societal facets in addition to basic and clinical science....

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Updated on: February 04, 2021
Jobs and Tax Cuts [Part 2] - PBL 5.0 stars
Learning design name: Job, Jobs, Jobs and Tax Cuts


Terry Long
School of Business Administration Marymount University
Arlington, VA 22207

Discipline: Economics

Target Audience: Introductory, non-majors

Keywords: Employment, macroeconomics, policy, taxes, unemployment


From late 2000 to May 2003m the US economy lost almost three...

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Updated on: January 28, 2021
Jobs and Tax Cuts [Part 1] - PBL 5.0 stars
Learning design name: Job, Jobs, Jobs and Tax Cuts


Terry Long
School of Business Administration Marymount University
Arlington, VA 22207

Discipline: Economics

Target Audience: Introductory, non-majors

Keywords: Employment, macroeconomics, policy, taxes, unemployment


From late 2000 to May 2003m the US economy lost almost...

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Updated on: January 28, 2021
To Resuscitate or Not to Resuscitate? -PBL 5.0 stars
"To Resuscitate or Not to Resuscitate?" A Problem-Based Learning Lesson

Susan Polich
College of Allied Health Sciences
PO Box 670394
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45267, USA

Discipline: Medical Education

Target Audience: Introductory, majors

Keywords: Ethics, healthcare ethics, medical ethics

Patient rights are a basic value in healthcare....

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Updated on: January 27, 2021
6-3-5 Brainwriting 5.0 stars
Brainwriting is a form of brainstorming and it is classified under the intuitive and progressive methodologies as it involves driving inspiration from other members in a cyclical way.

Brainwriting is a group based brainstorming technique aimed at aiding innovation processes by stimulating creativity.

Unlike Brainstorming, in Brainwriting rather than ask students to yell out ideas (a...

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Updated on: January 11, 2021
Think Pair Share 5.0 stars
Think Pair Share is a widely used teaching strategy where students are presented with a task or question and given time to think individually. Then, students are grouped in pairs and share their individual findings with each other, discuss their thoughts and redefining their individual work in order to come up with a consensus on the question or task. After pairs have had time to discuss, the...
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Updated on: December 29, 2020
Lunar Habitats - 5E Instructional Model 5.0 stars
This lesson is about Lunar Habitats and is based on the 5E Instructional Model

The content of this lesson is based on NASA eClips - Home on the Moon

Lesson Overview:

Students first learn about the design of lunar habitats and then as teams explore the mathematical relationships between length, area, and volume. Students...

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Updated on: December 26, 2020
Differential Equations - Reciprocal Learning 5.0 stars
In this lesson, students (in pairs) help each other resolving differential equations.

This is lesson that exemplifies the Reciprocal Learning Strategy

Reciprocal learning is an instructional model in which students work in pairs or groups to master the lesson content. Students cooperate in well-defined roles of tutor and tutee to maximise their own and each other’s learning....

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Updated on: December 18, 2020
Animal traits - Inductive learning (2... 5.0 stars
This lesson adds to its preview example:

This is an learning design example of Inductive learning based on Jennifer Gonzalez lesson (

This lesson aims to use inductive learning by giving students a set of animal cards and having them come up with a useful classification...

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Updated on: December 16, 2020
Animal traits - Inductive learning  
This is an learning design example of Inductive learning based on Jennifer Gonzalez lesson (

This lesson aims to use inductive learning by giving students a set of animal cards and having them come up with a useful classification based on the animals' traits.

For further details:...

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Updated on: December 16, 2020
Hammer and Feather - Predict, Observe, Explain... 5.0 stars
In this learning design, we present the experiment of the Hammer and Feather as it was performed in the Moon by the Apollo 15 crew.

This lesson uses the Predict, Observe, Explain teaching strategy.

This learning design is adapted from earlier work by Matthew Kearney (UTS Sydney) - thanks for his support for this version.

Keywords: Physics, Vacuum, Gravity fields

Run time: 30...

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Updated on: December 09, 2020
Apollo 11 - Jigsaw Lesson 4.5 stars
A lesson on the Apollo 11 mission to the moon using the Jigsaw teaching strategy.

In this lesson we will explore the amazing voyage of the Apollo 11 Mission!

First, we will split you as per your regular Home team. Then, we will split the Apollo 11 lesson into 5 content units and each member of your Home team will be allocated to a content unit.

Second, each member of the Home teams...

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Updated on: December 09, 2020
Anatomical Terminology to Analyze Movement (TBL) 5.0 stars
Biomechanics is a required, core course for all Kinesiology majors and most minors (majors include Athletic Training, Exercise Science, and Physical Education; minors include Coaching and Kinesiology). Pre-requisites for the course include Anatomy and Physiology, as well as a math course that provides, at minimum, an introduction to trigonomic functions. The class meets twice a week for 110...
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Updated on: November 11, 2020
Urbanism (TBL)  
Introduction to Urbanism

TBL Lesson

In this Team based Learning lesson, students will learn about Urbanism, what it means and how it relates to their living environment.

If you are new to TBL, please take a look at the TBL Documentation. 

Facilitation instructions:

As facilitator in this...

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Updated on: October 21, 2020
Bad Blends: An Introduction to Pharmacology (TBL)  
The Bad Blends TBL was created for biomedical science high school summer programs. It has been used for three years and was completed in two different settings. In one setting, it was delivered in two ninety-minute sessions over a two-week period. In was also delivered as one two-hour session. The first session included an introduction to basic pharmacology. The second session was the actual...
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Updated on: July 14, 2020
Cellular Membranes and Membrane Transporters 5.0 stars
Cellular Membranes and Membrane Transporters

Author: Ruth Vinall
California Northstate University College of Pharmacy

Based on TBL Module

Keywords: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Cellular Membranes, Membrane Transporters

Run time: iRAT: 10 minutes, tRAT 10 minutes...

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Updated on: June 13, 2020
TBL - Elements  
Team-Based Learning Lesson on Using the Elements of the Periodic Table

This lesson is for education purposes only.

Author: Lorrie Comeford
Based on the Module "Elements" in the Team Based Learning Collaborative

This module is for General Chemistry I which is the first chemistry course taken by undergraduate chemistry and...

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Updated on: June 10, 2020