Sequence: Think Pair Share

Sequence Information
Sequence: Think Pair Share
Think Pair Share is a widely used teaching strategy where students are presented with a task or question and given time to think individually. Then, students are grouped in pairs and share their individual findings with each other, discuss their thoughts and redefining their individual work in order to come up with a consensus on the question or task. After pairs have had time to discuss, the class reconvenes and members of the different pairs share their thoughts with the class.

In this lesson, we ask the students "Why is the Sky Blue?"

Keywords: Sky, Think-Pair-Share

Run time: 30 to 45 minutes

Delivery Mode: Online, In class

Outline of Activities:

1) Introduction to the subject/question [Noticeboard]

2) Group the students in pair (in this example the pairing is done automatically by LAMS, but you can set your own set of student pairs).

3) Ask the question to each student to respond individually [Q&A Activity]
  After the student has answer the question, they will see their colleague answer and they can comment on each other answer.

4) Construct consensual answer and share with class [doKu activity]
    In this activity, each student pair gets to create their own consensual response. After they finish their response, they are able to see all other groups (other pairs) consensual answers and they can comment and rate each other responses.

Further details:

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Audience: High school
Subjects: Earth sciences Education
Language: English
LAMS Version: 4.0
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: 5.0 stars (5). Based on 3 reviews.
Number of downloads: 13 times
Number of previews: 72 times
Authored By:   Chelsea Bullock
Date: 29 December 2020 09:07 PM
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