Sequence: To Resuscitate or Not to Resuscitate? -PBL

Sequence Information
Sequence: To Resuscitate or Not to Resuscitate? -PBL
"To Resuscitate or Not to Resuscitate?" A Problem-Based Learning Lesson

Susan Polich
College of Allied Health Sciences
PO Box 670394
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45267, USA

Discipline: Medical Education

Target Audience: Introductory, majors

Keywords: Ethics, healthcare ethics, medical ethics

Patient rights are a basic value in healthcare. Adult patients of sound mind must be informed of their medical diagnosis, prognosis, treatment options, and the pros and cons of those options. The adult patient of sound mind should determine, in conjunction with their healthcare practitioner, their course of medical treatment. At times, the patient’s values and desires for treatment are contrary to those of the healthcare practitioner. The healthcare practitioner may have a different opinion or preferred treatment than what the patient wishes. Several rules and documents have been put into place to help ensure the patient’s wishes are carried out. This case is an example of how the different wishes of the patient and healthcare practitioner can come into conflict.

Further details on this PBL Lesson available here:

Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Delivery Mode:

- Synchronous and asynchronous. Online or in class.

Student Learning Objectives:

    1. Define the term advanced directives.
    2. Discuss why advanced directives are important.
    3. Discuss the patient's right to refuse treatment.
    4. Discuss if/how the resident's action to resuscitate the patient interfered with the
      following: beneficence, non-malfeasance, fidelity, veracity, autonomy, obligations to the
    5. Define virtuous using the example of the resident’s statement about being a good person.
    6. Give one other example of virtuous behavior.
    7. State why the resident thought himself to be a good person.
    8. Define deontology.
    9. Discuss if the resident's action is consistent with the deontological view of ethics.
    10. Reflect on and evaluate peers' abilities to collaborate productively in groups.
    11. Reflect on and evaluate their own abilities to collaborate productively in groups.

Run time: 3.5 hours in total + individual research time

Instructors and Students guides:

Outline of Activities:

    1. Introduction to Lesson [Noticeboard]

    2. Teams
          Group activity with group selection done at monitor -based on previous grouping allocation]

    3. Introduction to the Problem
          Presentation of the case to all students.

    4. Team Analysis [Online collaborative document and Mindmap]
        Based  at the case, all students for each team define: Consensus on key term definitions, their learning
        objectives, determine your Research Plan, any questions or doubts to be raise for the PBL Facilitator.

    Activities 1 to 4 are performed synchronously either in class or online.

    5. Individual research [Share Resources]
          Individual students research the previously agreed learning objectives and collect resources and notes.
          This activity is performed asynchronously (out of class) and individually.

    6. Research discussion [Online collaborative document and Mindmap]
          Individual students present their research to other team members and begin preparing a draft for their
          final report.

    7. Team report [Online collaborative document and Mindmap]

          a) As a team, students create their final report for the case.

          b) After submitting their case, each team explores other teams reports and is allowed to rate and comment
            on each others report.

          c) Teacher/facilitator facilitates case discussion debrief

    8. Individual reflection paper
          Individual students are asked to submit their own key learning points and reflections on the case.

Author view:

Audience: College - University
Subjects: Healthcare sciences
Language: English
LAMS Version: 4.0
License: Attribution-Noncommercial
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To_Resuscitate_or_Not_to_Resuscitate__(Instructor_Guide).pdf 113323 01/27/21 10:22 PM
To_Resuscitate_or_Not_to_Resuscitate__(Handouts).pdf 83621 01/27/21 10:22 PM
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Number of downloads: 15 times
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Authored By:   Chelsea Bullock
Date: 27 January 2021 10:21 PM
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