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Audience: College - University (110)

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Διάσπαση Αυτοδύναμου Πακέτου IP  
Keywords: Αυτοδύναμο πακέτο IP, διάσπαση, MF, DF, ΣΘΕΤ

Run time: 45 λεπτά

Delivery Mode: Στην τάξη και στο σπίτι

Resources: Βιβλίο & Τετράδιο Μαθητή, Youtube

Outline of Activities: Διαδικασία διάσπασης αυτοδύναμου πακέτου IP

Downloaded: 0 times
Updated on: March 14, 2025

Evgenia Papadopoulou
Σύνδεση Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης με Αλγοριθμική... 4.0 stars
Σε αυτή την ακολουθία  οι μαθητές θα ενημερωθούν για  τη βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη  και  θα τη συνδέσουν με  τους αλγορίθμους και τα πληροφοριακά συστήματα.

Keywords: Ενεργός πολίτης, Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη, Αλγόριθμοι, Ανακύκλωση & Επαναχρησιμοποίηση Βιβλίων, Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα

Run time: 45 min

Delivery Mode: Στην τάξη

Resources: Δεν απαιτούνται επιπλέον αρχεία

Outline of Activities:...

Downloaded: 10 times
Updated on: February 21, 2025

Despoina Dimoula
TBL - Regenerative medicine 4.5 stars
Introduction to Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative medicine is an exciting and rapidly advancing field that focuses on repairing, replacing, or regenerating human cells, tissues, or organs to restore or establish normal function. This innovative area of medicine brings together experts from multiple disciplines, including biology, chemistry, engineering, and medicine, to develop groundbreaking...
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Updated on: February 02, 2025

Ernie Ghiglione
ΕπιμόρφωσηΠΕ86 - ΑΕΠΠ Γ ΓΕΛ - ΣημαντικάΘέματα Ver2  
Keywords: ΕπιμόρφωσηΠΕ86, ΑΕΠΠ, Γ ΓΕΛ, Σημαντικά Θέματα Προγραμματιμού, education , programming

Run time: 1 hour

Delivery Mode: in class

Resources: no extra files required

Outline of Activities:

Downloaded: 5 times
Updated on: January 27, 2025

Χρήστος Τριανταφύλλου
Η δομή της στοίβας 5.0 stars
Keywords: στοίβα, δομές δεδομένων, stack, data structures

Run time: 15 min

Delivery Mode: in class

Resources: no extra files required

Outline of Activities: To understand the stack data structure. Learners see stack examples, guess how it is relevant to programming and then study the given resources to understand what stack is and how can be implemented. Finally, there is an...

Downloaded: 10 times
Updated on: January 27, 2025

Spyridoula Lakka
Γνωριμία με τις δομές Επανάληψης for και while... 4.5 stars
Keywords: Προγραμματισμός, Python, for, while

Run time: Εκτιμώμενη διάρκεια 1 διδακτική ώρα

Delivery Mode: Σχολικό Εργαστήριο Πληροφορικής

Resources: -

Outline of Activities: Σκοπός είναι η γνωριμία των μαθητών με τις δομές επανάληψης for και while της Python εστιάζοντας στην περιγραφή και τη σύνταξη τους , καθώς επίσης στη διάκριση των ρόλων των επιμέρους τμημάτων των παραπάνω δομών.

Downloaded: 3 times
Updated on: January 14, 2025

Pavlos / Παύλος Avgerinopoulos / Αυγερινόπουλος
python-συναρτησεις 4.5 stars
Keywords: python, συναρτησεις, υποπρογραμματα, functions

Run time: 3 hours

Delivery Mode: in class (informatics lab)

Resources: no extra files required

Outline of Activities: To discover the functions - subroutines in python

Downloaded: 3 times
Updated on: December 05, 2024

giorgos fakiolakis
Ακολουθία LAMS για το μάθημα ΑΟΘ κεφάλαιο 10, στα πλαίσια Εργασίας του μαθήματος "Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα Διοίκησης" του Τμήματος Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων (Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών) Από τον φοιτητή Ανδρέα Μαλανδράκη 1082010.
Subjects: Economics
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Updated on: September 22, 2024

Andreas Malandrakis
Σε αυτό το μάθημα μελετάμε για το σημείο ισορροπίας των αγορών, αναλύουμε τις μεταβολές σε διάφορα σημαντικά μεγέθη, εξετάζουμε τα αποτελέσματα των μεταβολών και της κρατικής παρέμβασης και βγάζουμε συμπεράσματα με τα διαγράμματα που μας παρέχονται.

Keywords: Μεταβολές, ζήτηση, ζητούμενη ποσότητα, προσφερόμενη ποσότητα, σημείο ισορροπίας, έλλειμμα, πλεόνασμα, κράτος, κρατική παρέμβαση,...

Subjects: Economics
Downloaded: 1 times
Updated on: July 02, 2024

Ανδρέας Αλεξόπουλος
Ερωτήσεις Παραγράφου  

Run time: 45 ΛΕΠΤΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΤΑΞΗ



Outline of Activities:

Subjects: Economics Education
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Updated on: June 26, 2024

Konstantina Goudeli
Κωνσταντίνος_Κάντζαρης_1091522_ΑΟΘ_Κεφάλαιο_2 4.0 stars
Keywords: ΑΟΘ, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών

Run time: 30 minutes in class

Delivery Mode: in class but it can also be used by the student on their own

Resources: no extra files required

Outline of Activities:

Subjects: Economics Education
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Updated on: June 22, 2024

Konstantinos Kantzaris
Keywords:blender, 3dmax

Run time:45'

Delivery Mode:

Resources:δωρεάν λογισμικό blender

Outline of Activities:
Περιεχόμενο του Μαθήματος:
 Περιβάλλον εργασίας
 Βασικά τρισδιάστατα αντικείμενα
 Transformation tools
 modifiers
 Δισδιάστατα σχήματα
 Τεχνικές δημιουργίας τρισδιάστατων...

Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: April 17, 2024

Nikolaos Bakopoulos
TBL - Cultural Dimensions of Teams 5.0 stars
Learning outcomes:

1. Recognise and understand established cultural dimensions relevant to team learning dynamics.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of high-context cultures, especially in relation to communication style.
3. Comprehend behaviours and attitudes associated with a polychronic time orientation.
4. Understand the relationship between power distance and...

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Updated on: October 19, 2023

Ernie Ghiglione
Understanding Cellular Respiration through... 4.0 stars
Title: Understanding Cellular Respiration through Inquiry-Based Learning

Subject: Biology


Students will be able to develop an understanding of cellular respiration and its significance in living organisms through an inquiry-based learning activity.


    Access to scientific articles, videos, and diagrams related to cellular respiration (see initial video in...

Subjects: Biology
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Updated on: May 04, 2023

Chelsea Bullock
Collaborative Writing: Climate Change and the... 5.0 stars
Lesson Title: Collaborative Writing: Climate Change and the Need for Action.


Students will be able to collaborate effectively in small groups to write a persuasive essay on a Climate Change and the Need for Action.


    - Laptops or computers with internet access
    - Rubric for the persuasive essay


    Introduction (5 minutes)

     - Start the...

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Updated on: May 04, 2023

Chelsea Bullock
3D PRINTING - 3 - Printing 5.0 stars
Βασικές αρχές τρισδιάστατου σχεδιασμού. Αναφορά και χρήση του 3D Εκτυπωτή για εκτύπωση 3διάστατου αντικειμένου που έχει σχεδιαστεί και τεμαχιστεί σε GCode
Η ακολουθία αυτή έχει σχεδιαστεί στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος Junior Engineer Academy και απευθύνεται αρχικά σε Ομάδες - Ομίλους Ρομποτικής - STEM μαθητών Γυμνασίου.
Keywords: 3d printing
3d design
3d modeling
3d εκτύπωση
Downloaded: 9 times
Updated on: February 04, 2023

giorgos fakiolakis
3D PRINTING - 2 - Slicing  
Βασικές αρχές τρισδιάστατου σχεδιασμού. Αναφορά και χρήση του Crality Slicer για τεμαχισμό τρισδιάστατου αντικειμένου προς εκτύπωση
Η ακολουθία αυτή έχει σχεδιαστεί στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος Junior Engineer Academy και απευθύνεται αρχικά σε Ομάδες - Ομίλους Ρομποτικής - STEM μαθητών Γυμνασίου.
Keywords: 3d printing
3d design
3d modeling
3d slicing
3d εκτύπωση
Σχεδιασμός 3d
Run time:...
Downloaded: 9 times
Updated on: February 04, 2023

giorgos fakiolakis
3D PRINTING - 1 - Modeling  
Βασικές αρχές τρισδιάστατου σχεδιασμού. Αναφορά και χρήση του Tinkercad για σχεδιασμό τρισδιάστατου αντικειμένου προς εκτύπωση
Η ακολουθία αυτή έχει σχεδιαστεί στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος Junior Engineer Academy και απευθύνεται αρχικά σε Ομάδες - Ομίλους Ρομποτικής - STEM μαθητών Γυμνασίου.
Keywords: 3d printing
3d design
3d modeling
3d εκτύπωση
Σχεδιασμός 3d

Run time: 2h


Downloaded: 9 times
Updated on: February 04, 2023

giorgos fakiolakis
Μαθησιακή Αναλυτική (learning analytics) -... 5.0 stars
Keywords: Μαθησιακή αναλυτική, Διαμορφωτική αξιολόγηση, Διαφοροποιημένη διδασκαλία, Ανεστραμμένη τάξη

Run time: 60 λεπτά

Delivery Mode: Στην τάξη ή/και εξ αποστάσεως

Resources: No extra resources are required

Outline of Activities: Μαθησιακή αναλυτική (learning analytics)

Downloaded: 3 times
Updated on: February 01, 2023

Εισαγωγή στις δομές Επανάληψης for & while στην... 4.5 stars
Keywords: Python, Προγραμματισμός ΗΥ

Run time: Εκτιμώμενη διάρκεια 1 διδακτική ώρα

Delivery Mode: Σχολικό Εργαστήριο Πληροφορικής


Outline of Activities:

Τίτλος: "Γνωριμία με τις δομές επανάληψης for και while"

Διδακτικοί στόχοι: Σκοπός της διδακτικής παρέμβασης είναι η γνωριμία των μαθητών με τις επαναληπτικές διαδικασίες for και while της γλώσσας...

Downloaded: 6 times
Updated on: December 14, 2022

Pavlos / Παύλος Avgerinopoulos / Αυγερινόπουλος
Writing Annotated Bibliographies 4.5 stars
Writing Annotated Bibliographies

This is a TBL learning design that we use in a “Studying Policy and Practice” course, which is the first course on a BA(Hons) Early Childhood Studies programme. This course introduces students to study skills appropriate in higher education. The course is taught once a week over a period of 8 weeks to about 20 undergraduate mature students in a community...

Subjects: Literature
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Updated on: August 11, 2022

Chelsea Bullock
Graduate Script Project  
Graduate Script Project

TBL Resource Bank details

Authors: Dee Hughes, Bournemouth University

Context: Undergraduate Course

This is a final year module for a cohort of approx. 30 scriptwriting students about to begin their final undergraduate script project. The module runs for a single semester, ten weeks, and is the first time any of the students will have experienced TBL. The...

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Updated on: July 12, 2022

Chelsea Bullock
Understand and Applying Styles of Leadership 4.0 stars
This lesson is appropriate for an undergraduate course that includes a unit or units in leadership. It was originally designed for a group dynamics class cross-listed between psychology and communication, but it also has wide application for business, arts and sciences courses, and the health professions. Students prepare for the Team-Based Learning module by reading a textbook chapter, a brief...
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Updated on: December 26, 2021

Chelsea Bullock
Sustainable Development for students and adults  
This is a sequence that will help students and adults understant Sustainable Development Goals

Key words: Sustainable Development, education, enviromental education

Run time: 90 min

Delivery Mode: lecture, videos, ppt presentations


Outline of Activities:

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Updated on: September 20, 2021

Margarita Kefalaki
CTI - STEAM POE - Template 4  

This orientation session introduces teachers to the STE(A)M  approach and how to apply it based on Predict - Observe - Explain (POE)  teaching method  (

Ioannis Zaharakis & Athanasios Iosifidis, CTI - Greece,
Spyros Papadakis & Demetrios Semitekos, RDEWG - Greece


Run time:...

Downloaded: 6 times
Updated on: September 13, 2021

Spyros Papadakis
Design thinking 5.0 stars
Design Thinking Strategy
The Design Thinking Process is a process for students to follow to enhance their understanding of the users or audience of a certain product or service, to challenge assumptions of those people, to redefine a problem to demonstrate their deep understanding of it, to create innovative solutions to that problem and to test those solutions in order to evaluate the...
Downloaded: 18 times
Updated on: May 25, 2021

Chelsea Bullock
Peer Instruction 5.0 stars
Peer instruction is a structure teaching technique that allows students to examine their own and their colleagues reactions to a concept question.
The process of reviewing one's answer and compare it to others contributes significantly to the student learning as well as their engagement (Mazur 2012).

How does it work?

1.    Students individually consider the concept question and are...

Subjects: Physics
Downloaded: 9 times
Updated on: April 24, 2021

Chelsea Bullock
Μπακόπουλος_2η παραδοτέα εργασία_δομή επιλογής  
δομή επιλογής απλή σύνθετη εμφωλευμένη
Run time:
2 διδακτικές ώρες
Delivery Mode:
πριν την τάξη 20' και μέσα στης τάξη 45' η κάθε διδακτική ώρα
ςπιπλέον αρχεία scratch και βίντεο υποστήριξης
Outline of Activities: Ανεστραμμένη τάξη Διαμορφωτική Διαφοροποιημένη
Downloaded: 11 times
Updated on: April 22, 2021

Nikolaos Bakopoulos
Social Distance - Dilemma 4.5 stars
Social Distance - Digital Dilemma

This resource is an adaption of new tools in development by Project Zero's Education with Digital Dilemmas Project (Carrie James & Emily Weinstein) and Common Sense Education.


In this lesson, we present the case of Kaden and friends. When their school was closed as the effects of the ongoing pandemic, they decided to share on Social...

Subjects: Education Sociology
Downloaded: 5 times
Updated on: April 19, 2021

Chelsea Bullock
Introduction to Comparative Politics 4.0 stars
Actors, Factors and Choices: An Introduction to Comparative Politics

Authors: Neal Carter, Bridgham Young University - Idaho

Context: POLSC 150: Introduction to Comparative Politics

This is the first substantive module used in POLSC 150: Introduction to Comparative Politics. This class is geared primarily toward Political Science, Public Policy and Administration, and International...

Downloaded: 6 times
Updated on: April 15, 2021

Chelsea Bullock
ypoprogramma diadikasia 1η παραδοτέα εργασία  
Keywords: ypoprogramma, scratch

Run time: 30 λεπτά πριν την τάξη- 45 λεπτά στην τάξη - 30 λεπτά μετά την τάξη

Delivery Mode: προετοιμασία πριν, εφαρμογή, ανατροφοδότηση, με χρηση ρουμπρικας

Resources: έχει αρχεία αξιολόγηση μαθήματος, αυτοαξιολόγηση και scratch

Outline of Activities:

Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: March 15, 2021

Nikolaos Bakopoulos
Preparing students for TBL 5.0 stars
Preparing students for TBL


This module provides an introduction to any TBL course. It is designed to overcome student resistance (and even hostility) to a teaching approach that requires them to pre-learn course materials for assessment in class, and to quickly build a positive and productive learning culture in student teams, and in the classroom as a whole. This session...

Subjects: Education
Downloaded: 12 times
Updated on: February 08, 2021

Chelsea Bullock
Global Health Microbiology - TBL 5.0 stars
Global Health Microbiology - TBL

Description: By the conclusion of this this TBL module students will be able to evaluate the relative effectiveness of different infectious disease control strategies based on knowledge of parasite life-cycles. They will recognize that infectious disease is a complex problem with regional and societal facets in addition to basic and clinical science....

Downloaded: 8 times
Updated on: February 04, 2021

Chelsea Bullock
Jobs and Tax Cuts [Part 2] - PBL 5.0 stars
Learning design name: Job, Jobs, Jobs and Tax Cuts


Terry Long
School of Business Administration Marymount University
Arlington, VA 22207

Discipline: Economics

Target Audience: Introductory, non-majors

Keywords: Employment, macroeconomics, policy, taxes, unemployment


From late 2000 to May 2003m the US economy lost almost three...

Subjects: Economics
Downloaded: 5 times
Updated on: January 28, 2021

Chelsea Bullock
Jobs and Tax Cuts [Part 1] - PBL 5.0 stars
Learning design name: Job, Jobs, Jobs and Tax Cuts


Terry Long
School of Business Administration Marymount University
Arlington, VA 22207

Discipline: Economics

Target Audience: Introductory, non-majors

Keywords: Employment, macroeconomics, policy, taxes, unemployment


From late 2000 to May 2003m the US economy lost almost...

Subjects: Economics
Downloaded: 3 times
Updated on: January 28, 2021

Chelsea Bullock
To Resuscitate or Not to Resuscitate? -PBL 5.0 stars
"To Resuscitate or Not to Resuscitate?" A Problem-Based Learning Lesson

Susan Polich
College of Allied Health Sciences
PO Box 670394
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45267, USA

Discipline: Medical Education

Target Audience: Introductory, majors

Keywords: Ethics, healthcare ethics, medical ethics

Patient rights are a basic value in healthcare....

Downloaded: 15 times
Updated on: January 27, 2021

Chelsea Bullock
6-3-5 Brainwriting 5.0 stars
Brainwriting is a form of brainstorming and it is classified under the intuitive and progressive methodologies as it involves driving inspiration from other members in a cyclical way.

Brainwriting is a group based brainstorming technique aimed at aiding innovation processes by stimulating creativity.

Unlike Brainstorming, in Brainwriting rather than ask students to yell out ideas (a...

Subjects: Education Other
Downloaded: 9 times
Updated on: January 11, 2021

Chelsea Bullock
Lunar Habitats - 5E Instructional Model 5.0 stars
This lesson is about Lunar Habitats and is based on the 5E Instructional Model

The content of this lesson is based on NASA eClips - Home on the Moon

Lesson Overview:

Students first learn about the design of lunar habitats and then as teams explore the mathematical relationships between length, area, and volume. Students...

Downloaded: 10 times
Updated on: December 26, 2020

Chelsea Bullock
Differential Equations - Reciprocal Learning 5.0 stars
In this lesson, students (in pairs) help each other resolving differential equations.

This is lesson that exemplifies the Reciprocal Learning Strategy

Reciprocal learning is an instructional model in which students work in pairs or groups to master the lesson content. Students cooperate in well-defined roles of tutor and tutee to maximise their own and each other’s learning....

Downloaded: 6 times
Updated on: December 18, 2020

Chelsea Bullock
Animal traits - Inductive learning (2... 5.0 stars
This lesson adds to its preview example:

This is an learning design example of Inductive learning based on Jennifer Gonzalez lesson (

This lesson aims to use inductive learning by giving students a set of animal cards and having them come up with a useful classification...

Subjects: Education Biology
Downloaded: 1 times
Updated on: December 16, 2020

Chelsea Bullock
Animal traits - Inductive learning  
This is an learning design example of Inductive learning based on Jennifer Gonzalez lesson (

This lesson aims to use inductive learning by giving students a set of animal cards and having them come up with a useful classification based on the animals' traits.

For further details:...

Subjects: Education Biology
Downloaded: 6 times
Updated on: December 16, 2020

Chelsea Bullock
Hammer and Feather - Predict, Observe, Explain... 5.0 stars
In this learning design, we present the experiment of the Hammer and Feather as it was performed in the Moon by the Apollo 15 crew.

This lesson uses the Predict, Observe, Explain teaching strategy.

This learning design is adapted from earlier work by Matthew Kearney (UTS Sydney) - thanks for his support for this version.

Keywords: Physics, Vacuum, Gravity fields

Run time: 30...

Subjects: Education Physics
Downloaded: 13 times
Updated on: December 09, 2020

Chelsea Bullock
Apollo 11 - Jigsaw Lesson 4.5 stars
A lesson on the Apollo 11 mission to the moon using the Jigsaw teaching strategy.

In this lesson we will explore the amazing voyage of the Apollo 11 Mission!

First, we will split you as per your regular Home team. Then, we will split the Apollo 11 lesson into 5 content units and each member of your Home team will be allocated to a content unit.

Second, each member of the Home teams...

Downloaded: 13 times
Updated on: December 09, 2020

Chelsea Bullock
Anatomical Terminology to Analyze Movement (TBL) 5.0 stars
Biomechanics is a required, core course for all Kinesiology majors and most minors (majors include Athletic Training, Exercise Science, and Physical Education; minors include Coaching and Kinesiology). Pre-requisites for the course include Anatomy and Physiology, as well as a math course that provides, at minimum, an introduction to trigonomic functions. The class meets twice a week for 110...
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Updated on: November 11, 2020

Chelsea Bullock
Urbanism (TBL)  
Introduction to Urbanism

TBL Lesson

In this Team based Learning lesson, students will learn about Urbanism, what it means and how it relates to their living environment.

If you are new to TBL, please take a look at the TBL Documentation. 

Facilitation instructions:

As facilitator in this...

Downloaded: 29 times
Updated on: October 21, 2020

Chelsea Bullock
Bad Blends: An Introduction to Pharmacology (TBL)  
The Bad Blends TBL was created for biomedical science high school summer programs. It has been used for three years and was completed in two different settings. In one setting, it was delivered in two ninety-minute sessions over a two-week period. In was also delivered as one two-hour session. The first session included an introduction to basic pharmacology. The second session was the actual...
Downloaded: 12 times
Updated on: July 14, 2020

Chelsea Bullock
Cellular Membranes and Membrane Transporters 5.0 stars
Cellular Membranes and Membrane Transporters

Author: Ruth Vinall
California Northstate University College of Pharmacy

Based on TBL Module

Keywords: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Cellular Membranes, Membrane Transporters

Run time: iRAT: 10 minutes, tRAT 10 minutes...

Subjects: Biology
Downloaded: 8 times
Updated on: June 13, 2020

Chelsea Bullock
TBL - Elements  
Team-Based Learning Lesson on Using the Elements of the Periodic Table

This lesson is for education purposes only.

Author: Lorrie Comeford
Based on the Module "Elements" in the Team Based Learning Collaborative

This module is for General Chemistry I which is the first chemistry course taken by undergraduate chemistry and...

Subjects: Chemistry
Downloaded: 11 times
Updated on: June 10, 2020

Chelsea Bullock
adid-stathes-final 5.0 stars
Keywords: Statistiques, HEVS,

Run time: student

Delivery Mode: Moodle, LAMS

Resources: HEDS VS , TECFA

Outline of Activities: Statistiques courses

Subjects: Statistics
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Updated on: June 06, 2019

Loic Berthod
adid-stathes 5.0 stars

Keywords: Statistiques, HEVS,

Run time: student

Delivery Mode: Moodle, LAMS

Resources: HEDS VS , TECFA

Outline of Activities: Statistiques courses

Subjects: Statistics
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Updated on: June 06, 2019

Loic Berthod
Υπόδειγμα (Template) του καινοτόμου...  
Keywords: Fliperentiated Learning, Ανεστραμμένη τάξη, Διαφοροποιημένη διδασκαλία,Fliperentiated instruction,Fliperentiation

Run time: 2 εργαστηριακές ώρες

Delivery Mode: Μικτό μοντέλο μάθησης (Blended learning)


Outline of Activities: Καινοτόμο συνδυαστικό μοντέλο μικτής μάθησης που συνδυάζει την "Ανεστραμμένη τάξη" με τη Διαφοροποιημένη διδασκαλία. Αναγνωρίζει τη...

Subjects: Education
Downloaded: 25 times
Updated on: October 26, 2018

Gravitional Acceleration - LegoEV3_Python - PROBOT 4.5 stars
This lesson is proposed to be done using the "Flipped Classroom" model in which students study on their own and come in first contact with new concepts and educational material (mostly in the form of interactive video) out of order.
Then classroom or workshop tuition time is used to increase active participation of students for consolidation - deepening mainly through collaborative educational...
Subjects: Mathematics Physics
Downloaded: 7 times
Updated on: May 07, 2018

Εισαγωγή στην εκπαιδευτική Ρομποτική 5.0 stars
Keywords: Ρομποτική, εκπαιδευτική ρομποτική,WRO, WROhellas

Run time: 85 λεπτά

Delivery Mode: Τάξη

Resources: Υπολογιστές & Lego NXT MindStorms

Outline of Activities: Ρομποτική μέσω ανεστραμμένης τάξης

Subjects: Technology
Downloaded: 7 times
Updated on: March 22, 2018

Michail Stamatulakis
Πρότυπο Ακολουθίας- Εξερεύνηση εναλλακτικών... 4.0 stars
Keywords:Template, Διδακτική Τεχνική

Run time: 45min

Delivery Mode: Τεχνική εξερεύνησης εναλλακτικών προοπτικών


Outline of Activities: Μπορεί κάποιος να καθοδηγηθεί έτσι ώστε να δημιουργήσει μια ακολουθία προκειμένου να εκπαιδεύσει τους μαθητές του.

Subjects: Education
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Updated on: March 07, 2018

Ada Chalazia
Πρότυπο ακολουθίας -Εξερεύνηση εναλλακτικών... 4.5 stars
Keywords:template, Διδακτική τεχνική

Run time:45 min

Delivery Mode: Τεχνική- Εξερεύνηση εναλλακτικών προοπτικών

Resources:Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε την ακολουθία για να εφαρμόσετε την τεχνική της εξερεύνησης εναλλακτικών προοπτικών για να εκπαιδεύσετε τα άτομα.

Outline of Activities: Εφαρμόζονται ψηφοφορίες

Subjects: Education
Downloaded: 0 times
Updated on: February 26, 2018

Ada Chalazia
Πρότυπο_Ακολουθίας_LAMS_WebDilemma 5.0 stars
Keywords:  Εκπαιδευτική τεχνική, WebDilemma, Πρότυπη ακολουθία

Run time: 2 hours

Delivery Mode: Εξ αποστάσεως, Διά ζώσης


Outline of Activities: Πρότυπη Ακολουθία LAMS με δραστηριότητες που απαιτούν την ενεργοποίηση του μαθητή για τη συγκέντρωση  και παράθεση επιχειρημάτων πάνω σε ένα Ερώτημα

Subjects: Education
Downloaded: 3 times
Updated on: February 21, 2018

Aggelos Antzoulatos
Role Playing - Tablets in Education (in greek) 5.0 stars
Keywords: Εκπαιδευτική τεχνική, Παιχνίδι ρόλων, Πρότυπη ακολουθία, Tablets, Εκπαίδευση

Run time: 45 λεπτά

Delivery Mode: εξ αποστάσεως, δια ζώσης


Outline of Activities: Πρότυπη ακολουθία LAMS με πληθώρα δραστηριοτήτων για την εκπαιδευτική τεχνική "Παιχνίδι Ρόλων" και την ένταξη των tablets στην εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία.

Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: February 18, 2018

Dimitris Daousis
Role Playing - Basic Template (in greek) 5.0 stars
Keywords: Εκπαιδευτική τεχνική, Παιχνίδι ρόλων, Πρότυπη ακολουθία

Run time: 45 λεπτά

Delivery Mode: εξ αποστάσεως, δια ζώσης


Outline of Activities: Πρότυπη ακολουθία LAMS με πληθώρα δραστηριοτήτων για την εκπαιδευτική τεχνική "Παιχνίδι Ρόλων".

Subjects: Education
Downloaded: 3 times
Updated on: February 18, 2018

Dimitris Daousis
Ergonomic Gr/ Εργονομία-GR_v1_Πληροφορική Α... 4.5 stars
Το μάθημα αυτό προτείνεται να γίνει με το μοντέλο της "Ανεστραμμένης Τάξης| (Flipped Classroom) στο οποίο οι μαθητές μελετούν μόνοι και έρχονται σ πρώτη επαφή με τις νέες έννοιες και το εκπαιδευτικό υλικό  (κυρίως με μορφή αλληλεπιδραστικών βιντεο-διαλέξων) εκτός τάξης ή στο σχολικό εργαστήριο.

Στη συνέχεια ο χρόνος διδασκαλίας στην τάξη ή το εργαστεήριο χρησιμοποιείται για αύξηση...

Downloaded: 15 times
Updated on: December 26, 2017

Spyros Papadakis
Learning Design Artworks in Education -... 5.0 stars
Τεχνολογικά Υποστηριζόμενη Αξιοποίηση Έργων Τέχνης για την καλλιέργεια Δημιουργικής και Κριτικής Σκέψης στην Επιμόρφωση των Εκπαιδευτικών

Δρ. Παπαδάκης Σ., Δρ. Ι. Φραγκούλης

Mέθοδος αξιοποίησης των έργων τέχνης στην εκπαίδευση με υποστήριξη  του LAMS για την ανάπτυξη της δημιουργικής και κριτικής σκέψης των εκπαιδευτικών με το μοντέλο του Perkins.

Keywords: Teacher's Education, Art...

Subjects: Education
Downloaded: 7 times
Updated on: April 12, 2017

Spyros Papadakis
Why Australians celebrate ANZAC Day 4.5 stars
Keywords: educ261, technology, education

Run time: 40 mins history lesson

Delivery Mode: online and during class

Resources: no extra files are required

Outline of Activities: Students understand history through individual, group and class activities

Subjects: History
Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: December 23, 2016

Rachel Chung
Bασικές Δεξιότητες στον κειμενογράφο Word 2010,...  
Keywords: word 2010, word 2013, basic skills, ICT, ΤΠΕ, κειμενογράφος

Run time: 8-10 ώρες

Delivery Mode: Ο εκπαιδευτικός επιλέγει ποια τμήματα του μαθήματος θα γίνουν διά ζώσης και ποια στο σπίτι διαδικτυακά. Blended learning. Mεικτή Μάθηση

Ως ακολουθία βάσης χρησιμοποιήθηκε η ακολουθία LAMS του κ.Παπαδάκη Σπυρίδωνα Μικτή μάθηση η οποία και προσαρμόστηκε στο συγκεκριμένο...

Downloaded: 10 times
Updated on: December 21, 2016

Αikaterina Ζaxaraki
Βασικές Δεξιότητες ΤΠΕ για άτομα μέσης και...  
Keywords: ΤΠΕ, δεξιότητες, ICT, skills

Run time: 2 - 4

Delivery Mode: Blending Learning


Outline of Activities: Εργασία στην τάξη και στο σπίτι.

Downloaded: 3 times
Updated on: December 20, 2016

thanasis zonoudakis
Keywords: virtual reality,applications, educations, εικονική πραγματικότητα, εκπαίδευση, ανεστραμμένη τάξη

Run time: 6-8 h

Delivery Mode: 3-4 h στο σπίτι, 2-3 h στην τάξη,1 h στο σπίτι (flipped classroom)

Resources: Κωστάκη Σοφία, Εικονική Πραγματικότητα και Εκπαίδευση,

Downloaded: 4 times
Updated on: May 19, 2016

Αikaterina Ζaxaraki
Θεωρητική προσέγγιση των self-paced MOOC's 4.0 stars
Χρησιμοποιήθηκε η μέθοδος της αντεστραμμένης τάξης.

Keywords: flipped classroom, mooc's, mooc, self-paced, e-learning

Run time: 1-2 ώρες μελέτης στο σπίτι και 1 διδακτική ώρα στην τάξη

Delivery Mode: pre-class and in-class activities

Subjects: Education
Downloaded: 6 times
Updated on: May 16, 2016

Christia Ioannou
Αισθητήρες Arduino 3.0 stars
Η μαθησιακή ακολουθία έχει σκοπό να ελέγξει τις γνώσεις που κατέχουν οι μαθητές σχετικά με τη χρήση των αισθητήρων του Arduimo για τη συλλογή δεδομένων του Φυσικού κόσμου.

Keywords: Arduino, αισθητήρες, αναλογικές είσοδοι, κώδικας

Run time: 1 -2 διδακτικές ώρες

Delivery Mode: στο σπίτι ή και στην τάξη

Resources: Πρόγραμμα IDE του Arduino

Outline of Activities: Η ακολουθία...

Downloaded: 12 times
Updated on: April 27, 2016

Tassos Pallas
Keywords: Βάσεις δεδομένων

Run time: 3 διδακτικές ώρες

Delivery Mode: Δωρεάν

Resources: Ομαδικές εργασίες

Outline of Activities: Αναζήτηση και ανάκτηση δεδομένων από βάσεις δεδομένων για υπολογιστική χρήση

Downloaded: 7 times
Updated on: April 17, 2016

Maria Rozou
Problem-based Learning Template  
Keywords: problem-based learning, PBL

Run time: 1-4 διδακτικές ώρες (εξαρτάται από το μάθημα)

Delivery Mode: Τάξη, Εργαστήριο Πληροφορικής

Resources: Διαδίκτυο

Outline of Activities: Μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως πρότυπο για δημιουργία σεναρίων όλων των βαθμίδων και αντικειμένων

Subjects: Education
Downloaded: 6 times
Updated on: April 15, 2016

Christia Ioannou
Battle of Actium 5.0 stars
Keywords: Battle, Actium, Caesar, Octavian, Augustus, Antony, Cleopatra, Agrippa, Rome

Run time: 40 minutes.

Delivery Mode: LAMS

Resources: Ancient History

Outline of Activities: Work your way through the engaging LAMS sequence.

Downloaded: 1 times
Updated on: April 14, 2016

luke m
Η γλώσσα Pascal  
Keywords: Δομημένος προγραμματισμός,ΕΠΑΛ,8κεφάλαιο,Structure Programming,Pascal,

Run time:2 ώρες (hours)

Delivery Mode: στην τάξη,από το σπίτι

Resources: σύνδεση internet,Βιβλίο "Προγραμματισμός υπολογιστών" (Σιδερίδης-Γιαλούρης-Μπακογιάννης-Σταθόπουλος)

Outline of Activities: Αναλυτική παρουσίαση της ύλης σε ένα pptx αρχείο,ερωτήσεις πολλαπλής επιλογής,σωστού ή λάθους,διάταξης,...

Downloaded: 3 times
Updated on: April 13, 2016

Paraskevi Athanasiou
Template blended learning 4.5 stars
Το παρόν μαθησιακό μονοπάτι είναι ένα πρότυπο της στρατηγικής διδασκαλίας : Προβλέπω- Παρατηρώ- Αιτιολογώ (Ανακαλυπτική μάθηση) για μεικτή μάθηση τύπου Lab- Rotation

Keywords: template, blended learning, lab rotation, πρότυπο, μεικτή μάθηση, ανακαλυπτική μάθηση

Run time: 2 διδακτικές ώρες

Delivery Mode: Τάξη και εργαστήριο Πληροφορικής

Resources: Δεν χρησιμοποιούνται πρόσθετοι πόροι...

Downloaded: 3 times
Updated on: April 11, 2016

Maria Rozou
Chemcial Properties of DNA 4.5 stars
Keywords: DNA, Protein, Chromatin, EDUC261, Nucleotides, Phosphate, Sugar, Recombinant, Interactive, Base Pairs.

Run time: min

Delivery Mode: Online, using LAMS. Links out to different sources.

Resources: Images, Text, videos, Q&A, MC, HSC questions.

Outline of Activities: Students have a quick test, moving onto reading information, moving onto group work, then testing and as...

Downloaded: 3 times
Updated on: April 11, 2016

Cameron Bayer
HTML Sequence  
Keywords: Markup Language, Formal Language, Information Technology

Run time: 40 mins

Delivery Mode: Online


Outline of Activities: Students are taken through how to use HTML in a learning technology of LAMS

Downloaded: 1 times
Updated on: April 11, 2016

robin romero
Keywords: Markup Language, Formal Language, Information Technology

Run time: 40 mins

Delivery Mode: Online


Outline of Activities: Students are taken through how to use HTML in a learning technology of LAMS

Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: April 11, 2016

robin romero
Keywords: Πολιτικά κόμματα, Βενιζέλος, Ράλλης, Θεοτόκης, ΣΕΚΕ, κόμμα, Ραλλικό, Εθνικό, Λαϊκό, Κοινωνιολόγοι, ΚΚΕ, ΠΑπαναστασίου

Run time: 2 ώρες

Delivery Mode: Στο εργαστήριο πληροφορικής

Resources: Διαδίκτυο, slideshare, youtube, ΑΡΧΕΙΟ ΤΗΣ ΕΡΤ


Subjects: Education History
Downloaded: 4 times
Updated on: April 10, 2016

Δημιουργία Ιστοσελίδας με το WordPress 5.0 stars
Η ακολουθία αυτή έχει ως σκοπό οι μαθητές να μάθουν τι είναι το εργαλείο WordPress και τα CMS.

Keywords: Wordpress, CMS

Run time: 1hour

Delivery Mode: Σπίτι

Resources: απαιτείται να έχετε εγκατεστημένο το XAMPP.

Outline of Activities: Η ακολουθία περιλαμβάνει αρκετές δραστηριότητες εκμάθησης των CMS εργαλείων καθώς και του WordPress. Για την κατανόηση της συγκεκριμένης ακολουθίας...

Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: April 10, 2016

Sotiris logothetis
All About Narratives  
Keywords: writing, narratives, technology, education, preservice teachers,

Run time: approx. 40 minutes

Delivery Mode: online


Outline of Activities: students are guided through conceptual knowledge about narratives and are then asked to write their own

Subjects: Education
Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: April 06, 2016

Sophie Clisby
Digital natives new BBB 4.0 stars
This sequence was uploaded by Eleni Rossiou on 31/3/2012 and was changed on the teleconference activity (from DIMDIM to BigBlueButton). Original sequence's link:

Η ακολουθία αυτή αναρτήθηκε από την Ελένη Ρώσσιου στις 31/3/2012 και τροποποιήθηκε στην δραστηριότητα της τηλεδιάσκεψης (από DIMDIM σε BigBlueButton)
O υπερσύνδεσμος...

Downloaded: 16 times
Updated on: April 05, 2016

Ilias Gerakos
Das Oktoberfest in München 5.0 stars
Keywords: Oktoberfest, München, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Deutschland, german language, Niveau B1-C1

Run time: zwei Unterrichtsstunden

Delivery Mode: in der Klasse und als Hausaufgabe

Resources: Internetseiten, Videos, Hörtexte

Outline of Activities: Man lernt das Oktoberfest kennen, indem man sich Videos anschaut, Texte darüber liest (LV-Übungen), nach Bildern sucht und Bilder...

Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: March 30, 2016

Anna Panagiotaki
Citizenship_Τροποποίηση ακολουθίας_Ντοκούτσης 4.0 stars
Keywords: Citizenship, education, family tree

Run time: 30 minutes
Delivery Mode: in class and out of class activities

Resources: no extra files required
Outline of Activities: discussion in groups

Downloaded: 1 times
Updated on: March 26, 2016

Eleftherios Ntokoutsis
Άδειες Χρήσης Ψηφιακών Αγαθών (Common Creatives)  
Άδειες Creative Commons

Keywords: άδεια, Common Creatives

Subject: ¨Αδειες Ψηφιακών Αγαθών

Audience: Εκπαιδευτικοί

Run time: 1 ώρα

Delivery Mode: on-line


Outline of Activities:

Downloaded: 21 times
Updated on: March 22, 2016

Spyros Papadakis
Πώς να κάνετε μια παρουσίαση στο powerpoint 5.0 stars
Run time: 20'

Delivery Mode:

Resources: http://localhost:8080/lams/

Outline of Activities: Οι βασικές θεωρητικές γνώσεις για τη δημιουργία μίας παρουσίασης powerpoint και της σωστής οργάνωσής της

Downloaded: 5 times
Updated on: March 20, 2016

Maria Rozou
Keywords: Databases, SQL, criteria, where clause

Run time: 2 hours

Delivery Mode: In Class

Resources: Web

Outline of Activities:
1. Connection with previous lessons
2. Web sources abour where clause syntax
3. Group work
4. Evaluation

Downloaded: 1 times
Updated on: March 18, 2016

Maria Rozou
JavaClasses 4.0 stars
Keywords: Java, Classes, Programming Languages, Application Development, Object Oriented Programmin

Run time: 2 hours

Delivery Mode: In class

Resources: Internet Access

Outline of Activities: Learning developing and manipulating java classes and objects by practicing on them.

Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: March 17, 2016

Maria Rozou
Email 4.0 stars
Keywords: email

Resources: ouc

Outline of Activities: pes630

Στο συγκεκριμένο μάθημα θα μάθουμε τη χρήση του ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου ή αλλίως email..
Το E-mail είναι μια υπηρεσία του Διαδικτύου (Ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο) που επιτρέπει την ανταλλαγή μηνυμάτων μεταξύ των χρηστών του. Πρόκειται για την ηλεκτρονική αποστολή και λήψη μηνυμάτων ανάμεσα σε χρήστες υπολογιστών που βρίσκονται...

Downloaded: 17 times
Updated on: March 15, 2016

john skandalis
Stage 2 English - Creating a Character 3.0 stars
Keywords: Stage 2, English, Primary school, Character, Web 2.0, Technology in education

Run time: 40 mins

Delivery Mode: Online

Resources: Laptop, PC, computer

Outline of Activities: Learn about the qualities and characteristics of a relatable character, then create a character online to share with fellow classmates.

Subjects: Education
Downloaded: 6 times
Updated on: January 06, 2016

Natasha Tautz
Embedding raptivity content in LAMS  
In this example we show how we can embed one of the Raptivity examples (Seven wonders of the world) into a LAMS lesson using a simple iframe.

This is just a one activity sequence for the sake of demonstration.

The Raptivity content is linked from this lesson so internet access is required. The copyright of the seven wonders belongs to its owners.

Keywords: external content,...

Subjects: History
Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: May 03, 2015

Ernie Ghiglione
War World II - SoftChalk 4.0 stars
This is a lesson in which we add a learning packaged created in SoftChalk, a content authoring software for educators in K-12, colleges, universities and medical programs.

Using one of their examples, we add the package into LAMS share resources activity and it can play directly within the LAMS lesson.

Keywords: world war II, history

Run time: 30 mins

Delivery Mode: online...

Subjects: History
Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: March 09, 2015

Ernie Ghiglione
Hardware PC  
Keywords: Hardware

Delivery Mode: zip

Resources: ouc

Outline of Activities: pes630

Description: Ο υπολογιστής, όπως μπορείτε να παρατηρήσετε περιλαμβάνει διάφορα ξεχωριστά τμήματα που συνδέονται και συνεργάζονται μεταξύ τους, ώστε να λειτουργούν ως σύνολο. Τα τμήματα αυτά μπορεί να είναι μηχανικά ή ηλεκτρονικά εξαρτήματα ή ακόμη και ολόκληρες συσκευές. Κάθε τμήμα συνεργάζεται με τα...

Downloaded: 8 times
Updated on: January 11, 2015

john skandalis
Prelim Legal Studies Sequence 3.0 stars
Keywords: Legal Studies, Preliminary, year 11,

Run time: approximately 40minuets

Delivery Mode: Online


Outline of Activities: Students are to complete each task in a classroom environment. This sequence consists of videos, quizzes, short answer questions, forums and images

Subjects: Law
Downloaded: 1 times
Updated on: January 03, 2015

Fipe-Leigh Everett
Developing Scenario Learning templates - 2x2...  
Keywords: Developing Scenario Learning, Branching, Values

Run time: 1+ hours

Delivery Mode: Online (could be hybrid online then face to face if replace final forum with face to face discussion).

Resources: None extra, but see worked examples (and slides) at

Outline of Activities: This template is designed to be populated...

Subjects: Education Other
Downloaded: 11 times
Updated on: September 27, 2014

James Dalziel
Moral Values in Teacher Training1  
Keywords: Teacher Training, Pre-service Teacher Education, Moral Values

Run time: 1+ hours

Delivery Mode: Online (could be hybrid online then face to face if replace final forum with face to face discussion).

Resources: None extra, but see slides from accompanying talk - attached

Outline of Activities: After an introduction and presentation of the Scenario, students choose from...

Subjects: Education
Downloaded: 7 times
Updated on: September 27, 2014

James Dalziel
Moral Values in Christian Teacher Training  
Keywords: Teacher Training, Pre-service Teacher Education, Moral Values, Christian Education

Run time: 1+ hours

Delivery Mode: Online (could be hybrid online then face to face if replace final forum with face to face discussion.

Resources: None extra, but see slides from accompanying talk - attached

Outline of Activities: After an introduction and presentation of the Scenario,...

Subjects: Education Religion
Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: September 27, 2014

James Dalziel
Social Constructivist Local Template  
Pedagogy: The social constructivist approach focuses on on the idea of ‘intersubjectivity’. Through social activities, such as discussion and debate, students share their ideas, which are transformed into internal mental models. Hence, students’ thinking is gradually transformed through observation and participation in social interactions. This kind of knowledge scaffolding is quite different...
Subjects: Education
Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: September 19, 2014

Eva Dobozy
Instructionist Local Template  
Learning outcomes: The learning outcomes of this sequence are for students to understand and explain what the Fibonacci numbers are, the mathematical formula which defines the recurrent relation, and how the Fibonacci numbers relate to nature and the concept of the perfect rectangle

Keywords: Teacher education, Mathematics, Number sequence, Fibonacci numbers

Run time: approx 180 minutes...

Subjects: Education
Downloaded: 3 times
Updated on: September 19, 2014

Eva Dobozy
Developing Scenario Learning - Education 5.0 stars
This sequence is based on the Developing Scenario Learning template (see elsewhere in LAMS sequence repository), where after a period of initial reflection and discussion, the scenario evolves, and so students must them reflect on how to adjust their plan of action. The template is based on an article about Developing Scenario Learning - see Dalziel (2012)...
Downloaded: 10 times
Updated on: August 07, 2014

James Dalziel
Developing Scenario Learning - Theology  
This sequence is based on the Developing Scenario Learning template (see elsewhere in LAMS sequence repository) which provides a structure for reflecting on real-world scenarios, where after a period of initial reflection and discussion, the scenario evolves, and so students must them reflect on how to adjust their plan of action. The template is based on an article about Developing Scenario...
Subjects: Education Religion
Downloaded: 6 times
Updated on: August 07, 2014

James Dalziel
Developing Scenario Learning template 4.0 stars
This template provides a structure for reflecting on real-world scenarios, where after a period of initial reflection and discussion, the scenario evolves, and so students must them reflect on how to adjust their plan of action. The template is based on an article about Developing Scenario Learning - see Dalziel (2012)


Downloaded: 7 times
Updated on: August 07, 2014

James Dalziel
Aprendizaje basado en Juegos GBL Módulo 3

Keywords: GBL



Run time:

Delivery Mode:


Outline of Activities:

Subjects: Education
Downloaded: 8 times
Updated on: June 14, 2014

Duvan Aguilera
Critical Thinking  
Keywords:Critical Thinking, discussion

Subject: PHIL

Audience:University Students

Run time:about 40 min

Delivery Mode:Online

Resources:PHIL137 Lecture Notes

Outline of Activities:discussions, short answer questions

Downloaded: 6 times
Updated on: April 07, 2014

Jinglan Liu
Scientific Report Writing  
Keywords: EDUC261, Report Writing, Science,

Subject: Science

Audience: K-10

Run time: Approx 45 mins

Delivery Mode: In-class

Resources: No extra files required

Outline of Activities: Outcomes assessed:
Stage 4&5 Outcomes in new k-10 syllabus

A student:
presents science ideas, findings and information to a given audience using appropriate scientific language, text...

Downloaded: 6 times
Updated on: April 07, 2014

aris katsikis
Motivation in Workforce  


Audience:University Students

Run time:About 40 Min

Delivery Mode:Online


Outline of Activities:

Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: April 06, 2014

weimin wu
Introduction to Asian pop Music  
Keywords:Asian pop music



Run time:

Delivery Mode:


Outline of Activities:through video and image to let student know more information about the asian pop music

Downloaded: 1 times
Updated on: January 05, 2014

Linjin XIE
LAMS Authoring Principles 4.0 stars
This tool allows the user to Author with a help window.

Keywords: Authoring

Subject: LAMS Authoring

Audience: All LAMS Authors

Run time: Open (no start or finish)

Outline of Activities: 1 x Noticeboard

Downloaded: 4 times
Updated on: May 27, 2013

Tim Danes
Se avete mai stipulato un contratto  
Keywords:contratto, obbligazioni,negozio giuridico,norma giuridica, diritto civile, codice civile

Subject:il contratto, Problem Based Learning

Audience:terza classe Istituto tecnico commerciale

Resources: non sono richieste risorse esterne

Delivery mode: in classe o da casa

Prerequisites: nessuno

Outcomes: lo studente comprende il significato di contratto attraverso...

Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: January 23, 2013

Edoardo Montefusco
1-1_ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΣΤΟ LAMS_Τι είναι το...  
(This is a an introductory "What is LAMS" sequence in Greek)

Αυτή είναι μία ακολουθία με την οποία μπορείτε να κάνετε μία σύντομη επισκόπηση σε θεμελιώδεις λειτουργίες και μερικά από τα εργαλεία του LAMS.
Περιγράφει τι είναι το LAMS, και επιδεικνύει την αποτελεσματική χρήση των περιβαλλόντων Μάθησης και Συγγραφής Ακολουθιών Μαθησιακών Δραστηριοτήτων.
Η ακολουθία έχει σχεδιαστεί ως η πρώτη...

Downloaded: 72 times
Updated on: April 22, 2010

Spyros Papadakis
Cada asignatura tiene su secuencia 5.0 stars
La secuencia responde a una sesión de clase tradicional en la que la profesora explica las diferentes patologías del corazón en el niño, apoyándose en fotografías y dibujos, así como su asistencia y cuidados. Cada cierto tiempo, recapitula lo explicado y plantea preguntas a los estudiantes. Éstos juegan un papel pasivo la mayor parte del tiempo.

Keywords: Enseñanza de clase


Downloaded: 31 times
Updated on: March 29, 2010

Carlos Marcelo
Protagonista el alumno 3.0 stars
La secuencia de aprendizaje describe el proceso de enseñanza seguido en el desarrollo de la disciplina. El profesor utiliza diversos recursos y estrategias en su trabajo docente: Explicaciones teóricas, actividades prácticas en el aula, trabajos en grupo, exposiciones de los mismos, visitas a diferentes entidades (fábricas, empresas…) y un trabajo transversal que se desarrolla durante todo el...
Downloaded: 26 times
Updated on: March 29, 2010

Carlos Marcelo
LAMS 101 part 1 - What Is LAMS?  
Lesson 1 in the LAMS101 Course.

Describes what LAMS is, and demonstrates effective use of the Learning and Monitoring environments.

This sequence is now included with all LAMS 2.1+ server installations.

Downloaded: 152 times
Updated on: July 02, 2008

Jeremy Page
El sueño de Casandra 4.5 stars
Palabras clave: lingüística, marco semántico, woody allen, el sueño de casandra

Tema: Lingüística

Audiencia: Estudiantes universitarios

Tiempo: 3 semanas

Actividades Previas: El visionado de la película el sueño de Casandra

Idioma: Español

Descripción: El objetivo de esta sequencia es que los alumnos aprendan a construir marcos semánticos. Para ello se les ofrece...

Downloaded: 38 times
Updated on: May 26, 2008

elena de miguel