Sequence: Project Based Learning by Colectic

Sequence Information
Sequence: Project Based Learning by Colectic
This is a Project Based Learning Template, aimed to create sequences using the strategy "Project-Based Learning" in STEAM education.

Interdisciplinary. It connects numerous subjects from Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.

Big Idea: The main idea of this methodological template is to help teachers generate classroom projects that allow students to develop, as a group, a real project that will benefit their community. Through this proposal, students are encouraged to investigate their own territory, to observe the deficits that may exist, to value their own potential to contribute elements of value to their community, their critical spirit, their social qualities and aptitudes (generosity, effort, teamwork).

Prior knowledge / Prerequisites: students must have some digital competences in order to use the LAMS environment autonomously.

Class / Target age of students:  secondary students
Duration / Designed teaching-studying time (hours): 40 hours.
Size of class:  25-30 students
Educational model / Teaching Strategy * Project-based learning
Mode of delivery: AON Asynchronous Online and off-line Activities.

Prior knowledge / Prerequisites: students must have some digital competences in order to use the LAMS environment autonomously.

The purpose of this type of activities is to support students in developing their personal skills converging and divergent skills (critical thinking) and especially those related to:
- the social and ethical components of science.
- attitudes and skills related to sustainability and the SDGs.
- analysis, observation and critical thinking.
- problem solving.
- the development of personalised solutions, the creation of artefacts.
- the application of knowledge, skills and competences,  emerged from the study of different disciplines.
- communication and teamwork.
- research and autonomous learning.

The main result of this activity is a product (intellectual or physical), an artefact, which responds to a social need detected by the students themselves in their territory, thanks to observation and interaction with different agents.

Short Description/ Summary:
In the process of creation, students go through the phases of observation, analysis, elaboration of proposals, preparation of a work plan, research, elaboration and evaluation of their solution. This process incorporates the Arts as an essential element to present the solutions to the target group(s).

The whole activity relates to the real world, and allows for the incorporation - to varying degrees - of students' prior experiences and knowledge.

In addition, individual and group work is encouraged and self-regulated learning is promoted, as well as the complementarity of students' profiles and knowledge, and the use of knowledge from different STE(A)M disciplines.

Phase 1 – The PrBL
Phase 2 – Initial Reflection, Analysis & Discussion
Phase 3 – Research
Phase 4 – Project realisation
Phase 5 – Solution Feedback


The teacher/trainer can encourage students to do projects that benefit their environment, depending on the tools and disciplines they wish to work on in an inter-disciplinary way.

For example:
- design and create toys for kindergarten children, using 3D design and 3D printing techniques. To do this, students will have to apply knowledge of engineering (creation of the designs), technology (3D printing software and the printers themselves), mathematics (calculation of dimensions and structures) and art (presentation of the result to the public).

- design and create an automatically irrigated garden for the entrance of the museum or local library. The students will have to apply knowledge derived from the disciplines Technology (programming of the automatic irrigation control devices), engineering (design of the garden container, creation of the structure) and arts (to present the result and also for the design of the garden).

- programming of a video game presenting the new popular science books recently acquired in the library (disciplines involved: science -to understand the contents of the books-, technology through programming -Scratch-, art -for the illustrations of the video and also for the final presentation of the product-).

These are just some of the possibilities.

Author view:

Audience: Elementary High school
Subjects: Arts Engineering Mathematics System science Technology
Language: English
LAMS Version: 4.0
License: CC-Attribution
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: 5.0 stars (5). Based on 2 reviews.
Number of downloads: 5 times
Number of previews: 9 times
Authored By:   Essther subias
Date: 22 July 2021 12:09 AM
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