Sequence: MARIA_NOMIKOU_1091481

Sequence Information
Sequence: MARIA_NOMIKOU_1091481
Keywords: learning, writing

Run time: 45 MINUTES

Delivery Mode: In class

Resources: no extra files

Outline of Activities: To develop writing and communication skills. Communication is the main reason for success

Audience: High school
Subjects: Economics
Language: Greek
LAMS Version: 4.8
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: Not rated yet!
Number of downloads: 1 times
Number of previews: 0 times
Authored By:   ΜΑΡΙΑ ΝΟΜΙΚΟΥ
Date: 04 July 2024 09:56 AM
User Comments on MARIA_NOMIKOU_1091481 sequence