Sequence: Speed (with Wedo2 and Scratch) A STEAM Scenario

Sequence Information
Sequence: Speed (with Wedo2 and Scratch) A STEAM Scenario
In this lesson students investigate some of the factors that affect speed and calculate the speed of a racing car, using Lego Wedo 2 and Scratch.

Keywords: Speed, STEAM, Lego Wedo 2, Scratch

Running time: 2 hours (90')

Delivery Mode: in-class, online (remotely)

Resources: Lego building instructions, scratch program (both are included in the LAMS sequence)

Outline of Activities:
The main goal of this project is to investigate the factors that affect speed and calculate the speed of a racing car.
After completing this lesson, student are expected to:
- know the basic characteristics of racing cars
- have built a racing track and a racing car
- have program a racing car in order to investigate the factors that make it move faster
- can calculate the speed of a racing car

1. After a short video for engagement, students participate to a survey for detecting their prior knowledge and perception about speed and factors that affect it.
2. Another survey activity is used for helping students to form their initial hypotheses about the factors that affect speed.
3. Then students are given building instructions for a Lego racing car and a track, as well as a Scratch program to control the car.
4. Students conduct experiments investigating the factors: a) size of wheels and b) engine power and record their timings (experimental data) in LAMS spreadsheets, testing their hypotheses, calculating and comparing the car's speed.
5. After completing the experiments, students participate in a survey to evaluate their initial hypotheses, share photos of their project to a shared image gallery and vote for the best project (image voting).
6. A gate is used in order students to wait until every project has been presented to the whole class.
7. Finally, students participate in an assessment (about the knowledge they gained) and a meta-cognitive self-assessment (evaluation of their learning experience and of the whole lesson).

Prerequisites: Basic experience with Scratch programming

Author view:

Audience: Elementary
Subjects: Computer sciences Physics
Language: English
LAMS Version: 4.9
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: Not rated yet!
Number of downloads: 2 times
Number of previews: 3 times
Authored By:   Spiros Lazaropoulos
Date: 26 November 2024 10:39 AM
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