Forum LAMS Lounge Forum: Re: does lams run on JBoss-5? or only on Jboss-4?


2: Re: does lams run on JBoss-5? or only on Jboss-4?
In response to 1 05/04/09 03:56 PM
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Hi Flane,

As of today, LAMS doesn't run on JBoss5. As far as I know, JBoss5 uses a different configuration, class loader, etc.

However, we are working on migrating LAMS to JBoss5.1 at the moment and this should be done in the next month or so. This will have a lot of advantages: hibernate3, easier tool deployment and many others.

There's a task for upgrading to JBoss5 where you can follow the progress.



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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