Forum Problems Installing LAMS: LAMS and Moodle 1.6 Integration

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1: LAMS and Moodle 1.6 Integration
04/25/06 07:16 AM
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I have been trying to integrate LAMS and moodle 1.6, when i try and add a lams sequence in a course i get the following error :

An unexpected error returned from LAMS server:soapenv:Server.userException: java.rmi.RemoteException: Fail to fetch user data from external server:lamsserver01 - Unexpected return HTTP Status; nested exception is: java.lang.Exception: Fail to fetch user data from external server:lamsserver01 - Unexpected return HTTP Status! Please contact your administrator.

In the lams access log i have the following lines : - - [25/Apr/2006:13:31:40 00] "GET /lams/services/LearningDesignService?wsdl HTTP/1.1" 200 4676 - - [25/Apr/2006:13:31:40 00] "POST /lams/services/LearningDesignService HTTP/1.0" 500 720

can anyone help?

Many thanks
Matthew Wheeldon

Posted by Matthew Wheeldon

2: Re: LAMS and Moodle 1.6 Integration
In response to 1 04/25/06 08:50 PM
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That means LAMS is trying to create (on-the-fly) a user using details from Moodle, but didn't receive the user details. First, check that your callback_url in the LAMS database is correct - it should look something like this:


You can also check your Apache access.log to see if it received the request for user info, it looks something like this: - - [13/Apr/2006:10:16:34 +1000] "GET /moodle/mod/lams/userinfo.php?un=admin&ts=1144887394659&hs=863f5701030ae3e11d055e606639a5b8d7844b47 HTTP/1.1" 200 51

If the callback_url was incorrect this line won't be in the log, or it'll have a 404 instead of 200 at the end of the line.

Posted by Jun-Dir Liew

3: Re: LAMS and Moodle 1.6 Integration
In response to 1 04/26/06 05:23 AM
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thanks for your help, when i rechecked the url i spotted i had missed out a "%".

many thanks

Posted by Matthew Wheeldon

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