Forum Problems Installing LAMS: Bug Report: Branching based on Text Conditions on Notebook Tool

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1: Bug Report: Branching based on Text Conditions on Notebook Tool
06/29/09 10:24 PM
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Hello Lams team,

The "All words" option for the text search conditions on the Notebook Tool seems to perform text matching on ONLY the first word in the list of words supplied.

The equivalent text search matching works as expected for the Forum Tool. I have not tested other tools.

Tested with LAMS 2.2 and 2.3.1 on Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 and Ubuntu Jaunty (LAMS 2.3.0).

Simple database browsing shows that all the supplied text words have been included in the relevant record in the lams_text_search_condition table.

If I have misunderstood any directions or the behaviour of the tool, please let me know.

Glenn Moloney.

Posted by Glenn Moloney

2: "All words" matching
In response to 1 07/01/09 04:39 AM
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Hello, Glenn!
I have checked Notebook tool behaviour and it seems to be working fine...
"All words" option means that all the words in the given field must be found in the text provided in Notebook. The search is case insensitive and uses line breaks and punctuation characters in order to separate words.

So, for example:
All words: taste lemon
Text: What a wonderful taste: LEMON!

We have a match here, even though case is different and we have characters ":" and "!" just by the words. But if we had

Text: What a wonderful taste!

then there is no match here - we are looking for ALL the words in the field and we are missing "lemon".
This is the desired behaviour and it seems it works this way. Can you provide us with an exact example what words were entered and what was the result?

Marcin Cieślak

Posted by Marcin Cieslak

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