Forum Problems Installing LAMS: Re: Sakai - Lams integration Create problem


7: Re: Sakai - Lams integration Create problem
In response to 1 12/05/05 04:33 AM
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Problem 4.

I think that saka_admin was a typo and I meant sakai_admin.
This is not what I meant by the problem.

What I meants that there appeared to be a session already setup since I was logged in as sakai_admin without having to put a password, indicating the the previous problems had logged me into lams... even though a problem was reported.

Here is the dump of tables (dont worry about password hashes this is a test install with defaullt passwords)

mysql> select * from tbl_user
-> ;
| uid | login | password | fname | lname | creation_date |
| 0 | root | 2757142c2111b8bd34a0d1b718f59c0c | System | Administrator | 1050021517000 |
| 1 | admin | 2757142c2111b8bd34a0d1b718f59c0c | administrator | demo | 1050021517000 |
| 2 | learner | 2757142c2111b8bd34a0d1b718f59c0c | learner | demo | 1046128213942 |
| 3 | teacher | 2757142c2111b8bd34a0d1b718f59c0c | teacher | demo | 1046128228489 |
| 4 | author | 2757142c2111b8bd34a0d1b718f59c0c | author | demo | 1046128240224 |
| 1040 | sakai_admin | f3beb2ff779fc89fb9f24456cebe39b5 | Sakai | Administrator | 1133431092915 |
6 rows in set (0.17 sec)

mysql> select * from ext_server_org_map;
| sid | serverid | serverkey | servername | serverdesc | prefix | userinfo_url | timeout_url | disabled | orgid |
| 1 | sakaicamtools | lamsserverkey | sakai | sakai | sakai | http://bort:8180/sakai-lams-tool/servlet/UserDataServlet?uid=%username%&ts=%timestamp%&hash=%hash% | 300 | 0 | 1020 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


Posted by Ian Boston

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