Hi Alex,
All the translations are located in the jboss-4.0.2/server/default/deploy/lams.ear/lams-dictionary.jar/org/lamsfoundation/lams folder. If you need to edit your a translation, you can do it there.
For instance if you want to change a Q&A label for Spanish, the file you would need to edit is:
Now if you are modifying UTF8/Unicode language characters (Greek, Polish, Russian, Chinese), I would suggest you will need to use the native2ascii utility (comes with Java JDK) to convert the ApplicationResource_ru_RU.properties file into an editable file (which then you can normally edit with any normal text editor).
So if I want to edit the Russian tranlation I would do
$ native2ascii -reverse ApplicationResources_ru_RU.properties > Russian.txt
Then just normally edit the Russian.txt file and change the labels as much as I like. After you are done editing, run:
$ native2ascii Russian.txt > ApplicationResources_ru_RU.properties
And then copy the ApplicationResources_ru_RU.properties to
You will need to stop LAMS, delete the jboss-4.0.2/server/default/tmp and work directories and restart LAMS for these labels to take effect.
The other options is to join the translating team as you can just edit the translations for a particular language directly from the i18n site. Using the i18n is a lot easier (see http://wiki.lamsfoundation.org/display/lams/Translating+LAMS )
As a translator, you can also export your translations into a convenient lams-dictionary.zip that you can just use in your lams server straight away.
Posted by Ernie Ghiglione