Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: Handling users and groups in batches

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1: Handling users and groups in batches
10/18/10 04:29 AM
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Hi all,

i am new to LAMS and i'm testing it on a linux machine (mint isadora).

i might be looking with my nose - which i often do according to my wife - but, apart from import users and import groups i cannot find any tools that allow me to:

- delete a whole bunch of users in one action
- delete a whole bunch of groups in one action
- add users to a group in one single action
- email a group or a selection of users in one single action

How come?

Isn't and won't LAMS be designed for such actions?
Is an LDAP server considered to be mandatory instead of optional?

If the answer to both questions is yes, that LAMS won't be acceptable for me.

I would really like to use LAMS since the functionality i have seen so far is awesome; if i can't however manage users and groups far more easy it won't do

Hope you can show where to look for these tools or perhaps you have another solution for me

Cheers Frank

Posted by Frank Claessen

2: Re: Handling users and groups in batches
In response to 1 10/19/10 04:13 PM
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Hi Frank,

> i might be looking with my nose -

I do that all the time too! ;-)

> - delete a whole bunch of users in one action

Good point. I don't think we ever had a request to delete users in batch. My guess is that people tend to keep the users and only disable very few when the need occurs.

Now if what you mean is removing a user from a course, this is quite easy. Just select the course and select one or all the users to be remove from the course, click OK and bang!

> - delete a whole bunch of groups in one action

You can archive groups in LAMS but not delete them. A record will always be kept.

Once a Course/group is archive no one can see it.

> - add users to a group in one single action

You can do this by using the spreadsheets. Note that there's two the create user spreadsheet and the assign users to courses spreadsheet. (See Sysadmin menu).

> - email a group or a selection of users in one single action

I think there's a task we have schedule to do this in LAMS 2.4 but it's yet available.

> Is an LDAP server considered to be mandatory instead of optional?

It is completely optional. You don't require LDAP at all. But if you do have LDAP you can have LAMS authenticating against LDAP as well as with its own database too. So it's quite flexible for authentication.

Hope this helps,


Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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