Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: Re: an problem about lams building from source


2: Re: an problem about lams building from source
In response to 1 12/01/10 09:44 AM
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Hey leo,

you don't really need to run "clean" ant target as it's part of "assemble-ear" one.
and so the sequence of targets should be:
rebuild-db, assemble-ear, deploy-ear, deploy-tools, copyfiles

but even if you used "clean" one it shouldn't cause any problems at all.
and so in order to try to fix it can you please run "assemble-ear" task again and see if this "assembly" folder exists in file system?

also have you done any changes to lams_build/build.xml?

>And the other question is how can I build lams form souce easily? for example like my case, I just modify a java file from the lams_central's src, how can I build this file and deploy on jboss easily? Must I run the above ant targets order on each time?

run "deploy-jar" target from lams_central/build.xml if you just changed some java files
or "deploy-war" if you've modified some other stuff (e.g. jsp files)

hope this will help,

Posted by Andrey Balan

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