Forum Problems Installing LAMS: Re: Newbie: LiveCD, LAMS on a stick or similar?


3: Re: Newbie: LiveCD, LAMS on a stick or similar?
In response to 1 01/15/06 06:28 PM
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Some sort of LiveCD would be cool, even better if it could fit on your average USB stick! Unfortunately a LAMS install takes about 100MB (not to mention database server, etc) so there's probably a bit of work there to start off with...

I made a virtual machine for VMPlayer ( that is basically Ubuntu 5.10 installed with the server configuration, and LAMS/MySQL/etc installed to auto-startup. It hasn't been modified otherwise, so since logs/uploaded files/records still need to be written to disk, the virtual machine image still needs to be on your hard disk rather than on a 'live dvd' (it doesn't fit on a CD, not with MySQL/Java/Xvfb and dependencies installed). So, not really 'live' at the moment.

Next step would be to set it up so that MySQL and LAMS work off a RAM drive or something - however the host machine would need quite a bit of RAM to handle host OS/guest OS/JBoss server/MySQL server/RAM drive. And at that point, may as well look at doing a proper Live CD/DVD, and eliminate the memory required by a host OS running VMPlayer.

Posted by Jun-Dir Liew

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