Forum Problems Installing LAMS: Tried it but...


3: Tried it but...
In response to 2 08/22/06 01:22 AM
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Hello Jun-Dir,
thanx for the tip, i tried which ant and it returned /usr/bin/ant. So i tried what you suggested but it also failed.
I placed an echo inside /usr/local/lams/apache-ant/bin/ant to check for the value of ANT_HOME. As it appears, it points to /usr/share/ant. Exporting ANT_HOME, passing it in $0, or linking it from /opt/ant didn't manage to make it change, it always keeps on pointing to /usr/share/ant.
So, i copied the ant-contrib-0.6.jar file to /usr/share/ant/lib, and it STILL fails. (i echoed $ANT_LIB, and made sure that is the correct folder).
I tried modifying /usr/local/lams/apache-ant/bin/ant and added ANT_HOME=/usr/local/lams/apache-ant before any reference to $ANT_HOME, that did not manage to make it work.

I simply can not understand what is making it fail after all the things i tried.
I installed ant by choosing the package from the fedora core package manager, does that make any difference? should i uninstall it and try building it from source again??

Any help would be deeply appreciated. Thank you.

Posted by Al-Faisal El-Dajani

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