I went to go to sleep and I had a thought.
Its a long shot but it might be worth a try.
I think the error authoring.jsp seems to be out of sync with the AuthoringButton.tag file (both of these files are in the lams_tool_larsrc project.
But when I look at the source files, they seem to be in sync.
You could try:
* Shutdown JBoss. Delete server/default/tmp and server/default/work. Start JBoss and retry it. JBoss could have cached the .tag file and not be clearing it out properly - we have encountered problems like this before but it is normally jsp files that get "stuck", not tag files.
* If that doesn't work then shutdown JBoss. Find the authoring.jsp file in the lams_tool_larsrc project (it will be in one of the directories under web) and change
<lams:AuthoringButton formID="authoringForm" clearSessionActionUrl="/clearsession.do"
toolSignature="<%=ResourceConstants.TOOL_SIGNATURE%>" toolContentID="${formBean.resource.contentId}"
contentFolderID="${formBean.contentFolderID}" />
<lams:AuthoringButton formID="authoringForm" clearSessionActionUrl="/clearsession.do"
toolSignature="<%=ResourceConstants.TOOL_SIGNATURE%>" toolContentID="${formBean.resource.contentId}"
customiseSessionID="${formBean.sessionMapID}" />
ie get rid of the contentFolderID. Then you need to run the ant build for the lams_tool_larsrc only and do the ant "deploy-war". You don't need to completely rebuild LAMS.
Then restart JBoss. Hopefully you will now be able to open the shared resources authoring screen. If you have to change the authoring.jsp then the save and cancel buttons won't work (which I why I suggest trying to clear out the directories in JBoss first). But hopefully at least you will get the screen up and be able to see the data.
Fingers crossed, one of these two will do it.
Now, back to sleep.
Posted by Fiona Malikoff