Normally, yes it is one per post. But Ernie told me a trick once.
Write your message and turn on the Attach radio button. Click post and when it asks you for the attachment, upload your file as usual. When you get to the screen after the attachment screen (ie once the file is uploaded), click the back button in your browser. You should be able to upload another file. You can keep attaching and hitting back multiple times.
I've never tried it, but Ernie tells me it works!
I've had a look at the server log, and there is a problem with JBoss communicating with MySQL.
Can you check that your MySQL server is running?
Have a look at your /usr/local/jboss-4.0.2/server/default/deploy/mysql-ds.xml file. In this file is the definition of the database connection. Do you have this file?
In file is the username and password that is used to connect to the database. This is the username and password for the database, rather than a LAMS login.
Try running the mysql command line client and log in as that user. Then switch to the lams2 database and try selecting data from the lams_configuration table. Does this work?
To run the command line client, you should get something like this:
fiona-malikoffs-computer:~ fiona$ mysql -u lams2 -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 73 to server version: 5.0.27-standard
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql> use lams2;
Reading table information for completion of table and column Database changed
mysql> select * from lams_configuration;
| config_key | config_value |
| ServerURL | http://localhost:8080/lams/ |
| Version | 2.0 |
| TempDir | /var/opt/lams/temp |
| DumpDir | /var/opt/lams/dump |
| EARDir | /usr/local/jboss-4.0.2/server/default/deploy/lams.ear |
| SMTPServer | |
| LamsSupportEmail | |
| ContentRepositoryPath | /var/opt/lams/repository |
| UploadFileMaxSize | 1048576 |
| UploadLargeFileMaxSize | 10485760 |
| UploadFileMaxMemorySize | 4096 |
| ExecutableExtensions | .bat,.bin,.com,.cmd,.exe,.msi,.msp,.ocx,.pif,.scr,.sct,.sh,.shs,.vbs |
| UserInactiveTimeout | 86400 |
| UseCacheDebugListener | false |
| CleanupPreviewOlderThanDays | 7 |
| AuthoringActivitiesColour | true |
| AuthoringClientVersion | 2.0.200703151612 |
| MonitorClientVersion | 2.0.200703151612 |
| LearnerClientVersion | 2.0.200703151612 |
| ServerVersionNumber | 2.0.200703151612 |
| ServerLanguage | en_AU |
| ServerPageDirection | LTR |
| DictionaryDateCreated | 2006-12-08 |
| HelpURL | |
| XmppDomain | |
| XmppConference | |
| XmppAdmin | admin |
| XmppPassword | wildfire |
| DefaultFlashTheme | default |
| DefaultHTMLTheme | defaultHTML |
| AllowDirectLessonLaunch | false |
| LAMS_Community_enable | false |
32 rows in set (0.10 sec)
Posted by Fiona Malikoff