One more thing - as soon as the install is complete, can you look at the database and check the number of tables straight away.
Just in case it is something that happens AFTER the installation that is wrecking the database - given that you did get it working briefly for a while, there may be a database problem while LAMS is running.
So if you install and you get the right number of tables then can you set it up to work with Moodle, but check back to the database every so often. Then if it suddenly drops back to 7 tables, can you try to work out what you might have been doing when it went wrong?
I'm just trying to work out what is happening when the database goes wrong. That might tell us which bit of the system has the problem.
I will talk to the team about what you could look for in the MySQL logs.
Hint: If you do "show tables" on the lams2 database it should give you the list of all the tables and the count of the tables. That saves you trying to count.
Something like this:
fiona-malikoffs-computer:~ fiona$ mysql -u lamss -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 5.0.27-standard
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql> use lams;
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_lams |
| lams_activity_category |
| lams_activity_learners |
| lams_auth_method_type |
| lams_authentication_method |
| lams_configuration |
| lams_copy_type |
| lams_cr_credential |
| lams_cr_node |
| tl_lavote11_content |
| tl_lavote11_nomination_content |
| tl_lavote11_session |
| tl_lavote11_uploadedfile |
| tl_lavote11_usr |
| tl_lavote11_usr_attempt |
139 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Posted by Fiona Malikoff