Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: A question about IMS level A standard

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1: A question about IMS level A standard
11/18/08 08:19 AM
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Hello everyone,

I'm developing an external application to LAMS using IMS ePortfolio standard. My question is if there is source code in a file in LAMS on where it can create the files in IMS LD level A standard.

Thank you very much.


Posted by Manuel Nieto

2: Re: A question about IMS level A standard
In response to 1 11/18/08 08:47 AM
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Hi Manuel,

I´m not so sure what you mean about the source code, but you can have a look at all the LAMS source code and the instructions to download the code.

If you have a chance, can you tell us more about your IMS ePortfolio application?



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

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