No, I do not have that error if I sync more than 1,000 accounts.
Active Directory structure in my company is:
OU = Users, OU = [city], DC = xxx, DC = yy
where [city] to 14 different localities.
If I set the directory to search for
DC = xxx, DC = yy
I get the error. If I set the directory to search for
OU = [city], DC = xxx, DC = yy
it synchronizes only the OU.
Signing is a little different.
If I set the directory to search for
DC = xxx, DC = yy
I get the error if the account is not returned in the first thousand accounts. If I set the directory to search for
OU = [city], DC = xxx, DC = yy
you can log into the account belonging to this OU, provided that the account will be returned in the first thousand accounts.
I am in the fact that the synchronization and logging occurred when setting the directory to search for
DC = xxx, DC = yy
Posted by Mariusz Górski