Forum Problems Installing LAMS: Migration Lock enabled

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1: Migration Lock enabled
12/28/09 10:15 AM
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I have a LAMS 2.3.3 + Moodle 1.8.6 running on Ubuntu.
It was running perfectly until I tried this:

Today I tried to install GeoServer which run on a Jboss or other java containers.
The thing is that I couldn't install it correctly (I mean geoserver) and when I deleted everything to its original state and restarted the server lams wasn't working any more.

In the wrapper.log I get this message:

:50 | 2009-12-28 17:13:50,399 INFO [JdbcMigrationLauncher] Waiting for migration lock for system "lams"
INFO | jvm 2 | 2009/12/28 17:13:50 | 2009-12-28 17:13:50,399 INFO [JdbcMigrationLauncher] If this isn't from a long-running patch, but a stale lock, either:
INFO | jvm 2 | 2009/12/28 17:13:50 | 2009-12-28 17:13:50,399 INFO [JdbcMigrationLauncher] 1) run MigrationTableUnlock (probably 'ant patch.unlock')
INFO | jvm 2 | 2009/12/28 17:13:50 | 2009-12-28 17:13:50,399 INFO [JdbcMigrationLauncher] 2) set the lockPollRetries property so the lock times out
INFO | jvm 2 | 2009/12/28 17:13:50 | 2009-12-28 17:13:50,399 INFO [JdbcMigrationLauncher] (this is dangerous in combination with long-running patches)
INFO | jvm 2 | 2009/12/28 17:13:50 | 2009-12-28 17:13:50,399 INFO [JdbcMigrationLauncher] 3) set the 'patch_in_progress' in the patches table to 'F'

I've tried to do ant patch.unlock but the server tells me that build.xml is missing!
I don't know what no. 2 is
And in the DB patch_in_progress is already set to "F".



Posted by Jose C. Andreu

2: Re: Migration Lock enabled
In response to 1 12/29/09 04:42 AM
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Never mind. I solved the problem.
The instructions in the log where right, it was my fault.
I checked only the default value of the "patch in progress" field but actually there was a DB entry whose value was true.

Posted by Jose C. Andreu

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