Forum LAMS for Tech-Heads - General Forum: Force complete a learner to the end ...but the opposite?

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1: Force complete a learner to the end ...but the opposite?
03/09/10 05:03 AM
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Now you can force complete a learner to the end of lesson. But some learners - few, fortunately -need the opposite!
As in Monitor we can drag the learner icon over to the Finished Learners bar, at the same way we could drag the learner icon from the bar over an activity icon, explaining the reasons in the learner journal. In this way the learner must resume the sequence from that activity.

Posted by Edoardo Montefusco

2: Re: Force complete a learner to the end ...but the opposite?
In response to 1 03/15/10 11:06 AM
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Hi Edoardo,

This is something we've been discussing here for a while... but let me ask you a few questions and let me give you an scenario:

Say we have a lesson with 5 activities, student1 has done all these activities and now shows in the Completed students bar in monitor. What you saying is that we should be able to take the student icon and move it to an previously done activity, so say we move it to activity #3 in the lesson.

Now student1, when he clicks on the lesson again, jumps to activity #3 (let's say this is a Q&A activity -as an example) rather than to the end of the lesson. Now here are the questions:

1.- What do we do with the previews answer/work that the student has done (before) in activity#3: delete it, or just allow modification of his/her original responses?

2.- After the student finished activity#3, do we want him/her to jump to the next activity (activity#4) or to the end the sequence? If we want him to go to activity #4, we have the same questions as previously mentioned.



Posted by Ernie Ghiglione

3: Re: Re: Force complete a learner to the end ...but the opposite?
In response to 2 03/15/10 11:54 PM
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The reality is that a lot of teachers and students like to repeat a lesson.
Of course there exist the possibility to see again an activity by double clicking on it but this is not the same.

What do you think if we have an option similar to preview at authoring environment.

In this case a student is able to run a sequence once (as preview e.g. for testing reasons)and the to run again as first time.
This means (to give an answer in your questions Ernie) We delete the previews answers.

On the other hand this is not correct in a normal running because his or her answers had been affect the answers or the behavior of another student in a collaborative activity.

What to do you think


Posted by Spyros Papadakis

4: Re: Re: Force complete a learner to the end ...but the opposite?
In response to 2 03/16/10 03:06 AM
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"1.- What do we do with the previews answer/work that the student has done (before) in activity#3: delete it, or just allow modification of his/her original responses"
No, if the learner has answered, not the question arises: he has the feedback and the possibility of repeating the attempts if provided.

The "dramatic" scenario is the following: the learner had to contribute to a debate but has written anything (in chat and/or forum). Perhaps it has done so by mistake: then, in any case, the teacher brings it back on the activity. And if necessary or appropriate, may be recorded this fact in the learner's portfolio.

Posted by Edoardo Montefusco

5: Re: Force complete a learner to the end ...but the opposite?
In response to 1 03/16/10 05:10 PM
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We actually had a conversation like this in a course I ran. I think it is a good idea to have the facility to go back and complete.

I think there might be two possible scenarios.

A) I just want them to complete the task properly and delete the previous answer.

B) I would like to compare my first answer with an answer I give after a bit of information has been given.

Perhaps the second scenario you could actually select the number of possible attempts in the advanced authoring options when you are creating the task. I can definately see possibilities for use in a few different ways.

One activity Debbie is constantly doing is setting up a vote and then revote. I'm pretty sure that you have to actually retype the options to do a revote but it would be good just to be able to have a 2nd instance of the question.

Hope this makes a little sense and is helpful.


Posted by Concetta Gotlieb

6: Re: Force complete a learner to the end ...but the opposite?
In response to 1 03/18/10 03:02 AM
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Yes I think maybe two new functions could be created possibly in the monitor tab to allow the option for any combination of students to be allowed (1) to repeat a given sequence (2) to preview a given sequence. However the preview option could be followed by an option to do a non-preview attempt of the sequence.

Of course such monitor functions would be for advanced users of LAMS-- so they might have to be in a new advanced features monitor tab

Posted by Chris Alexander

7: Re: Force complete a learner to the end ...but the opposite?
In response to 1 03/18/10 04:48 AM
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At some point and for some future version of LAMS (e.g. 2.5) we also might discuss the following idea.

As it is, LAMS is a learning design system and based on aplay-act metaphor that you also have in IMS/LD. In addition, in LAMS there is some stuff that can be found in IMS/SS. While "LD" models in principle allow for "Go to" programming (level C in IMS-LD), it's not really meant for non-theatical scenarios.

I now just wonder whether one could image a "LAMS project" version to allow for repetitive and cyclic scenarios. To do so, we need at least another tool I'd call "Teacher announce", i.e. a simple board that tells learners what to do next and also provide feedback. Could be just a "View on a single forum, technically speaking.

Announce-> Wiki->Announce->Wiki->Announce->Resource + Wiki
(create a list) (revise list) (expand list)

Wiki is always the same.

Of course, visually, this should then be presented with different transitions (non-linear numbered arrows, only ONE node for the Wiki).
The learner UI would also be different and look very much like the authoring interface. Steps that students did not take yet (e.g. announce #4 and beyound) could be hidden. Important also: teachers should be able to add stuff in real time, e.g. the monitoring interface = authoring interface.

This would take time to implement, BUT for starters one could just parametrize all the tools to get rid of the complicated sequencing stuff ;)

Posted by Daniel Schneider

8: Re: Re: Force complete a learner to the end ...but the opposite?
In response to 7 03/18/10 05:01 AM
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Here is a picture I made years ago :)

I use content management systems to implement this (e.g. Zikula, Joomla, Drupal) but LAMS-project would be more powerful.

LAMS-LD (the current one) I would and do use for more traditional teaching, e.g. a introductory social science methodology class.

I had a similar discussion with the guys who implement Dokeos, a popular LMS in Europe. Some team is implementing a new version and its architecture looks like this:

documentation database
LMS e-portfolio system

So separate:
- base functionalities
- tools
- the service on top: LAMS-LD, LAMS-project, LAMS-portfolio, LAMS-whatever.

Not easy I know, but a bit of dreaming can't hurt :)

Posted by Daniel Schneider

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