Sequence Information Sequence: Cellular Membranes and Membrane Transporters Description: Cellular Membranes and Membrane TransportersAuthor: Ruth Vinall
California Northstate University College of PharmacyBased on TBL Module
Keywords: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Cellular Membranes, Membrane TransportersRun time: iRAT: 10 minutes, tRAT 10 minutes
Delivery Mode:
- TBL synchronous (in class -face-2-face, or online)Resources:
Reading that is required in order to be prepared for class;
Pages 383-393 and 396-398, (total of 14 pages) in Essential Cell Biology (ISBN 978-0-8153-4454-4), 4th edition) by Bruce Alberts et al. (2013)
Outline of Activities: This is a Team Based Learning Lesson and it contains:
- Individual Readiness Assurance Test (iRAT)
- Team Readiness Assurance Test (iRAT)
- 3 Application Exercises (AEs)
- Student self-reflectionAuthor view:
Audience: College - University Subjects: Biology Language: English LAMS Version: 4.0 License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files Sharing with: Everyone in Public Status: Active Average Rating: Not rated yet! Number of downloads: 8 times Number of previews: 15 times Authored By: Chelsea Bullock
Date: 13 June 2020 07:30 PM User Comments on Cellular Membranes and Membrane Transporters sequence